3: Fakery and Fibs

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Leaving Clarissa at the table, I took the mandatory walk up, up, and up the moving stairs. They got me where I needed to be. It was time for a little family reunion.

But no, not with Mrs. Trelawney. With my real and dear old (very old) dad.

The phoenix-engraved door looked excited to see me, as I sighed and said "pop tarts". The door swung open, revealing Dumbledore seated behind his grand oak desk, smiling pleasantly at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Pop tarts?"

"What can I say? I've become quite fond of muggle toaster pastries," he said with a smile, gesturing for me to take a seat across from him.

"How has your summer been?" He asked.

"Mrs. Trelawney has been good to me like always," I replied. "What have you been up to, Father?"

"How lovely you asked! I have been traveling with Severus..."

My heart skipped a beat. Why did it do that? Why was I feeling this way?

"Are you alright my dear?" He asked me. "You appear to be startled. Was it something I said?"

"Of course not, continue," I said, trying to recover from whatever that was. Yeah, what was that? It's just Riss getting into my head. That's all. Professor Snape is just a professor...

..." And that's how it shall remain!" Dumbledore's voice burst through my thinking.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered.

"The Diadem! It's hidden, and that's how it shall remain!" He re-iterated.

"Of course, of course..." I said, still shaken. He can't read your thoughts, he can't read your thoughts... I reminded myself.

"You must be exhausted, my dear. It was good catching up with you," he said, embracing me with smile. "May I see it?" He asked.

Of course. He had to see it to believe it, had to make sure it was real, Lucius Malfoy's artwork on my arm as I had struggled and screamed for help.

I revealed the dark mark I had been forced into just a few months ago.

"He's in Azkaban..." Dumbledore muttered, his eyes on the brink of tearing up. I've never seen my father cry before. "Lucius, I mean. He was punished for this."

"That fixes nothing," I said pointedly.

"I know, my dear Zelle, I know..." He trailed off. "We will fix it, I will find a way, I have been speaking with Severus... Do not worry about your future, this will be fixed. Your mark."

My stomach did the thing. AGAIN. I ignored it.

"Sleep well, we shall speak again soon, dear Zelle," he said.

"You too, Father."

"It's past curfew, don't get caught," he laughed, his eyes twinkling as they always did.

Moments after...

I ran down the cool halls of Hogwarts, inhaling the familiar smell of old books and ink. The smell of home. The safest place I'd ever be, a place I could never imagine leaving. This place meant everything to me. It was where I found a purpose, my friends, and the best professors in the world. Where I found my true passion. I'm really good at potions. No, like for real. I brewed my first successful Draught of Living Death in my second year of school. Maybe I could take extra lessons with professor sn-

Speak of the devil. Cloak billowing behind him, taking long strides, and headed directly toward me, Professor Snape himself. I tried ducking into the shadows, but it was too late.

"Miss...Agoria," his deep voice drawled, giving me chills for some reason. What in Rowena-

"G-good evening P-professor, I was just heading to my dorm-" I stammered.

"Do you know what time it is, Miss Agoria?" He leaned down to look into my eyes. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh n-

"Night?" I squeaked out.

"Precisely", he exhaled. He smelled like old parchment and pine trees, it was so familiar, I couldn't place it...

"Is something the ... matter?" He asked, peering down at me. "You seemed awfully lost in thought ... during the grand feast."

My hands started to tremor. Why did he care? And why wasn't I being sent back to my dorm with house points being taken from Ravenclaw? Surely the Professor didn't know about my secret... who my father was...

He leered down at me inquisitively.

"I- I had an emergency, sir," My voice shook. "I had to see Professor Dumbledore right away. "It won't happen again, sir."

"It best not," he said, turning swiftly back in the direction he came from. "Or there will be consequences," he continued, his back still turned to me.

What kind of consequences? I mused to myself. I took off toward my dorm once more, not wanting to find out. I took deep breaths, attempting to slow my beating heart, wildly jumping around in my ribcage, ready to burst out of my chest.

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