22: A Great Escape

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I was apparating. I didn't know where, or with whom. The slender hand holding mine for dear life could have belonged to anyone.

Had Voldemort taken me and apparated, perhaps to inflict worse horrors upon me? Maybe it had been that werewolf, who looked like he couldn't wait to sink his teeth into me.

I was spiraling, catching glimpses of a dark forest as I started to land. The most I could gather was that it was nighttime.

My feet hit the ground with a thud, shoes crinkling on the dead leaves. Steadying myself, I took in my surroundings.

I was situated in a forest, likely somewhere in the north, gathering by the increase in temperature and the dying leaves around me. A thick mist surrounded the area, making it hard to see more than a few meters in front of me.

I whirled my head around, desperately trying to find my captor (or savior?)

"Come on!" A familiar voice snarled next to my ear.

I swiveled around to find myself looking at Snape himself. Snape had rescued me. Snape had risked his life. Unless he was still with Voldemort, and this was just another part of his plan?

"Hurry up, we have to move," he hissed. "The Dark Lord will have both of our necks if we get caught for that little stunt." He pulled my arm harshly, urging me to follow him through the forest.

"How did- where were-" Millions of questions began to spill from my mouth.

"Not now," he hushed me, trying to find his way through the deepening fog.

I felt around for my wand, only to realize Malfoy still had it. Shit, I cursed under my breath.

It was becoming harder to see, yet Snape was determined to find whatever he was looking for.

"Can we use Lumos for some light?" I whispered.

"Don't be stupid," he hissed.

I shrugged, not sure what I was expecting from him. Some kindness? I laughed internally.

We reached a clearing in the woods where the fog had slightly lifted. Two paths, both framed by thick shrubbery and trees, branched off from the clearing.

Without hesitation, Snape took the path to the left.

The trees formed a corridor, their leaves sheltering us from the dark sky and droplets of rain that had begun to fall.

The path we were taking was made of trodden-on leaves and scattered rocks, and I could tell it hadn't been walked in ages.

We reached a stone house barely visible by the light. It was quaint, one story with few rooms. From the outside, it appeared dejected, overgrowth of dying vegetation taking over the outside walls and growing over the windows.

 From the outside, it appeared dejected, overgrowth of dying vegetation taking over the outside walls and growing over the windows

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