9: Hard Questions, Harder Answers

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I stared at him, fighting back the urge to run out of the classroom. Suddenly, I felt a strange urge to confide in him. Just tell him, my brain cooed. Tell him how you think about him, tell him...

I tried to fight it, but I was being lulled into a relaxed state. However, something else was fighting its way to the tip of my tongue. Something that didn't flit in and out of my mind, as Snape did so often. Something else I kept buried down. It wormed its way up my esophagus, leaping off of my tongue.

"The Death Eaters ruined my life." I stated. "I'm here, in Applicable Potions, learning things I'll never be able to use all because I trusted Draco Malfoy last year. His father marked my skin. I do not belong to myself," I went on, not even able to look up at Snape. "I belong to him. To him, to he who must not be named. I will never be able to get a life, a job, a lov- a- anyone," I ended my rant.

It had all jumped out of me, I was held prisoner to my deepest, utmost confession. It had fought its way out, defeating the other aspects of life my mind played with that distracted me in class. This was the big one, the one that tore me apart deep down. What good would the effects of Veritaserum, whether correctly or incorrectly brewed, do for me? I'd be at his mercy the whole time. My life, wasted. My own father couldn't help me. The most powerful wizard I've ever known couldn't help me.

I sat, dejected, his question answered. I felt worn out, and I still had a ten inch paper to write that he had assigned earlier. I was tired, yet I didn't know how much longer he'd intended to keep me in detention.

"You'll always belong to yourself."

My head snapped up.

"No one can take that from you, Zelle," he said, standing up, striding towards me. I gulped. I'd never heard Snape speak with such passion.

"You're the most exceptional potions student I've ever taught," Snape said. He lowered himself to my level, his lips slightly parted. "You have an ambition unlike any other."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, my voice cracking. What the hell else was I supposed to say?

However, Snape wasn't done. "You brewed Veritaserum without a textbook. You guessed, Zelle. You have a gift. And I want to help you, to teach you."

"But- I'm in two potions classes already- the only two," I said.

"Do you want to bring out your talent?" He asked sharply.

Awestruck by the man, what was I going to say? "Yes," I whispered.

He gave me a curt nod. I blinked at him.

"You may go, Miss Agoria," he said.

"Oh, of course," I replied, feeling dumb for sitting there like a duck or something, staring at him wide-eyed.

As I walked toward the door, Snape surprised me once again. "Draco will never hurt you again," his voice boomed from the back of the classroom.

I was so overwhelmed, and for some reason, the dumbest idea I had, yet went with, was to run out of his classroom. And just that, I did.

I bolted, not saying a word of thanks, and not realizing how late it was as well. Snape hadn't written me a pass or anything of the sort, so I had to be careful not to get caught. Although, since Snape was usually the one catching me, I wasn't too worried.

Shit. I had forgotten to tell Riss how late I'd be. I'd been neglecting to tell Riss a lot of things as of lately. I felt like a bad friend. She was so excited about that stupid dance, yet I hadn't stuck to my promise of helping her find a date. I hadn't talked to Luna nor Lacey in nearly a week either. I started to feel sick as I realized how bad of a friend I had been, allowing my deepest secrets to consume me.

I hoped she'd still be up once I got back to our room. I whispered the password to the Ravenclaw wing, and the winged eagle allowed me access. I tiptoed up the steps to the third floor, wondering what time it was. It must have been late, for the common room was empty. Reaching our room, I gently pushed the door open, and, to my pleasant surprise, Riss was up, but she didn't look happy.

"Riss!" I said, cracking a smile, hoping she was in a good mood.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

"Where have you been?" Her voice was flat.

"Uh, detention? I swear I told you about that," I shook my head, confused. What was she getting at?

"No. In general. You're always distracted, your mind is never in the moment. It's halfway through September, and we don't talk like we used to. Also," she started. "What sort of detention lasts until one in the morning?"

"What?" I gaped at her. "It can't be one-" I looked at the bronze clock in our room only to see that she was right. "Look, I'm sorry. Snape offered to tutor me extra in potions, to bring out my 'hidden talent' or something. I'm so sorry, Riss. I've just been overwhelmed with the amount of work I've had."

Her face softened a bit.

"I'm sorry. I realize I've been a bad friend. I promise to keep you updated from now on," I said guilty, unsure how true that statement was.

Riss pondered my words for a few moments. "Okay," she finally agreed. She stared at me for a few more seconds. "Draco asked me to the Halloween Ball," she blurted.

I stared back at her, wide eyed. "W-what did you say?" I asked.

Riss inhaled. "I know, I know he's your ex-boyfriend," she said.

I felt bile start to fill up in the back of my throat.

"But he's been so kind to me the past few weeks while you've been... absentminded," she stammered. "I said yes. I don't want to make it awkward though, but I really think he's changed since you and him were together," she finished.

I swallowed hard. He would lure her in, like he did me. He would mark her. My best friend. I had to protect her. Which I couldn't do without telling her the truth. Without telling her what he made me. This couldn't be happening.

"Zelle?" Riss said, timidly. "Say something?"

"What do you want me to say?" I asked, hearing my voice harden. "Out of any guy, you said yes to the one who made my life hell in sixth year and literally just bullied me in the hallway last week!?" I exclaimed.

"I didn't know about that," Riss said. "You haven't really been telling me anything, remember?"

"I can't believe you," I shook my head in disbelief. "Draco Malfoy," I snorted.

I got under my covers and turned my lamp off. I was sick and tired of him worming his way into my life. And now, he was under Riss' skin.

"I'm sorry, Zelle, I really am. I hope you can forgive me. I just want it to be how it used to be, us getting ready for dances and doing each others' makeup and dress shopping- I want it to go back to normal."

I bit my cheek. I still had to be there for Riss, regardless of what she was about to get herself into. Maybe she'd finally see the real side of Malfoy at the dance.

"Sure," I told her. "We can go back to normal"

"Oh, Zelle. Thank you."

I smiled in the dark as I lay my head onto my pillow. I should have been thinking about getting Riss away from Draco. I should have been thinking about how he'd do the same to her as he did to me. But all I could think about was Snape gripping my face and slowly pouring the potion down my throat.

Liar, LiarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora