4: Classes, Day One

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I rose to light streaming in through the heavy garnet curtains. In the four-poster bed adjacent to mine, Riss stirred, waking slowly. I stretched my arms above my head. New beginnings, a new year. Even new classes, too! I remember expressing my desire for a career in potions to Professor Snape last year... which my school schedule reflected.

Two potions classes, Advanced Potions and Applicable Potions. Right in a row, first thing in the morning. Following potions, I had Transfiguration and Magical Theory. Didn't seem like too hard of a year. I knew Mrs. T wouldn't be too happy about not getting to see me daily, but she understood. I had a career to pursue.

Potions, first thing after breakfast. Potions. Another stomach flutter. For what? I internally scolded myself, hoping that Snape had forgotten all about last night's events, which was highly unlikely.

"Zelle!" Riss' voice startled me. "I missed you last night. What happened?"

"I got lost on the third floor," I lied. "The stairs didn't take me where I wanted to go."

"Odd, they're not supposed to do that," she responded, but didn't question me further. "Do we have any classes together?" She asked, summoning her schedule with her wand.

"Potions, Potions..." I read the rest of my schedule to her.

"Potions?" She raised her eyebrow. "Two times a day?"

I nodded, trying to conceal a blush that was rising to my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm probably going to do potions after I'm done. Or something like that."

Riss waggled her eyebrows. "Seeing Snape for four hours a day?"

My palms started to sweat as I remembered our encounter last night. He was so tall, so dark. The way his voice echoed when he turned his back to me, filling the corridor with his booming tone. Why was I excited for Advanced Potions? But why am I even more excited for Applicable Potions?

"I'm just kidding, of course! Lighten up, Z," Riss laughed. "I'm just messing with you. Good luck though, I heard that only few students take Advanced Potions, and no one took Applicable potions last year!"

"Very encouraging, Riss," I mumbled, putting on my uniform skirt and blouse. I slipped my robes on, and finished off my outfit with a pair of platform converse. I brushed my brown hair, letting it flow freely past my shoulders. I pushed the sleeves of my robes up. They always ran a little long.

Riss and I made our way to the great hall. I didn't even see Malfoy once! Riss and I grabbed a spot next to the rest of the Ravenclaws, sitting by a sixth-year named Luna and her friend Lacey. They were gibbering on about something that sounded like 'jigglypuff' but I couldn't be sure. I was so nervous to start this year. Out of habit, I looked up at the staff table. Dumbledore smiled at me. My eyes glided to his right. Snape wasn't there.

Riss had joined in on Luna and Lacey's conversation. Uninterested, I sat, picking at my food. Waffles with fruit had always sounded appealing, just not this morning. Potions, first thing in the morning. Was it normal to be this nervous? I shrugged it off as first day jitters.

"You guys are so lucky!" I heard Riss exclaim. "You don't need to take Application classes for your future," she said, rolling her eyes. Applications classes prepared you for your future career. They were mandatory for every seventh-year student. Tables started clearing up, and I hurried to get up, not wanting to be late for my first class. Advanced potions at 8 am. Nice.

I hurried to the dungeons, leaving Riss with Luna and Lacey. I pulled my robes closer around my body. It was cold down there. Few students strolled down the halls the farther down I went, until I reached Snape's classroom. It was cold, his podium at the end of the classroom full of books and various glasses.

Counters along the stone walls of the dungeon room were littered with potions and jars, cauldrons as well. The air smelled good, like old books and pine. I inhaled. I took a seat in the middle of the classroom, not wanting to be too close to the front, but not wanting to be one of those kids who lingered in the back. A few kids in my year filed in, none sitting next to me. Which I was fine with.

The professor was nowhere to be seen. It was 8:00, and no sign of him. I flipped absentmindedly through the book in front of me. Five minutes late, Malfoy strolled in, sitting in the very back by Crabbe. They snickered about something. Probably about the way his father forced me into being a death eater. Maybe I was overreacting.

"Quiet." A voice boomed through the room, and the slight chatter got silent immediately. "Ten points from Slytherin for your tardiness on the first day," he drawled at Draco.

Openmouthed, Draco stared at the Professor, whom everyone, including himself, believed adored him.

"Shut your gaping mouth or there will be consequences."

I turned bright red, my stomach doing that stupid thing again. Stop that, I urged myself internally.

As if he had heard, Snape's eyes pierced directly into mine. I looked away, feeling blood rush to my cheeks. I pretended to be very engrossed in the textbook in front of me. There was a tangible silence in the air.

"Turn your books to the first chapter. We will be reading in silence today," he said, striding to his desk, taking a seat. He pulled out a book on the dark arts, and the class buried themselves in their books. I took out a quill and parchment, taking notes on my reading. Out of curiosity, I looked up at the Professor. As if on cue, his eyes lifted from his book. Black met green, and I started back down at my reading, having to re-read the passage I was on again.

The hour struck ten, and Snape rose to his feet. "You are dismissed. I expect ten inches of scroll on the effects of the calming draught by the end of the week."

Everyone rose from their seats, preparing to leave.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw for the only pupil taking notes during the reading," he said, facing the class.

I was the only Ravenclaw in the class, and my cheeks flushed red. Everyone rolled their eyes. I remained seated, as Applicable Potions was next. I wondered who else would be in the class.

Snape disappeared into his back supply closet, and I was left waiting. A minute passed. Five minutes passed. Class had started. Professor Snape walked out.

I laughed nervously. No one else had walked into the classroom.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"You are everyone," he replied.

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