26: Jealousy

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It was eleven o'clock PM as I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. Riss had grilled me with questions, but I went with the excuse that I had come down with a very bad fever and had been sent to Saint Mungo's. Snape's disappearance at the same time as mine had been difficult to explain, but Dumbledore had chalked it up to him sending Snape to brew a potion to heal my very rare disease.

I had arrived last night, and had spent the entire following day in my room. I hadn't eaten, hadn't slept. I just laid there, eyes closed.

Malfoy, of course, hadn't received any punishment for his kidnapping of me. This frustrated me to no end, yet I knew it was necessary for the plan to commence.

Snape and I hadn't said a word to one another after the kiss.

Oh, the kiss. How it ran through my mind, wove corridors through my brain.

How he kissed me then disappeared, gone. Away to tend to his own vices. Leaving me laying on my back. I hadn't seen him since yesterday, yet it felt like it had been ages. I wondered if he was thinking about it too.

He had done it, proven my fantasy wasn't imaginary. Proven that he felt the same, pressing his lips to mine.

I hadn't seen Malfoy yesterday, but I knew I was bound to have a run-in with him. I turned to my side, knowing I wouldn't be able to get any sleep tonight.

I decided to take a trip to the library and find something to read to clear my mind.

I quietly stepped out of bed, careful not to wave a softly snoring Riss. I slipped on my converse and gently opened the door, walking through the common room and out the door.

The bronze eagle eyeballed me, yet remained quiet.

Soft moonlight streamed through the big glass windows, and as I walked down the silent halls, my shoes tapping on the stone floors. I glanced out the windows, seeing the empty grounds. A few wolves chased each other around, letting out the occasional howl.

I made it to the library without anyone catching me, which was a miracle. I would have imagined Hogwarts' security to rise since the conversation between Featherfoot, Snape, and I; however, it appeared that this was not the case. No security changed had been made.

I made a mental note to ask Snape about that.

I made it to the library, which was dead silent and dark.

"Lumos," I muttered, making my way to the back of the library.

I finally came upon the books about the history of dark magic, an introduction. I lit a candle and sat down to read.

Time passed quickly as I read, interpreting the drawings, understanding the history. Dark magic was much like fire in the way it started and spread. A few people messed around, created something blinding, something different.

Then, with a bang, it was everywhere.

The book revealed little information about the Voldemort, choosing to focus solely on the history of dark magic, and stopping right before the time of Voldemort.

The books I was truly looking for were in the forbidden section. I would have to ask Snape for permission. Or, perhaps, Dumbledore.

Oh, Dumbledore. I should probably plan to see him soon.

As I heaved the big book shut, I heard footsteps approach me in the dark.

Wand extended, I whispered: "Homenem Revelio"

The figure got closer and closer until I could make out who it was. Malfoy.

"What do you want, you piece of scum?" I asked.

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