Chapter 46: Partner In Crime

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Insane, inside the danger gets me highCan't help myself got secrets I can't tell

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Insane, inside the danger gets me high
Can't help myself got secrets I can't tell


I sighed "Oh god." What have I done?

I look at her with wide eyes as she lays there with blood pooling under her head. I put my finger under her nose and she was still breathing. Couldn't take her to a hospital or get help.

Taking out my phone, I called Tony and said "Get here as fast as you fucking can!" And hung up on him before he could even ask me why.


I waited outside the garage, in a sweater for almost five minutes until I saw his car pull up on the side. He gets out and asks, fixing his glasses "What?! I told you I can't help you. My flight is in about two hours. What the fuck do you want, Brian?" I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him inside the garage. His eye almost coming out of his head as he turned around and tried to get out. But I pushed him back. He hissed at him "What did you do?!" I sighed "She caught me talking to you. I brought her in here for questioning but she fought me. I got angry and slammed her head against the floor."


"She's not dead! Still breathing."

He asked, "Who is she?" I replied "My idiot brother's girlfriend." He screams at me "Why fucking pull me into this?"

"I panicked, okay!"

I paced back and forth, drenched in cold sweats. My mind jumbled up. I didn't know what to do or where to go. Tony suggested with a stupid idea "You need to take her to the hospital." I scoffed "And tell them what?! That I slammed her head because she heard me talking to you about killing your brother for his journal?!" I screamed at him "Are you that stupid, Tony!" He huffs "Then why am I here, huh? Why do I have to be in this? You have been manipulating me for the last six months. Blackmailing me that you will tell everything to my wife and kid." He poked at my chest "You know what, Brian, you're a coward. Because if you weren't, you'd have already killed Gabriel, claimed that stupid fucking journal, and wouldn't let me catch wind of it all. You're nothing but a coward- a wuss." He pointed at Blue "You're a wuss that you can't even handle a fucking sixteen-year-old girl!"

I started breathing harshly because he was right. Whatever he said was true. I needed to think bigger. I'm a fucking Sheriff for fucks sake. I hold the power in me.

I stormed off and walked into the house. Tony yelling at me "Where are you going?!" But I didn't give two shits about him. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom and grabbed the drug stash from under my bed. Cocaine; helps you relax when you lose control over yourself- over your abilities.

I walked down the stairs and there he was, pacing back and forth. He looks at the bag in my hand "What're you going to do with that?" I still didn't say anything and walked into the garage. He follows me out and said "What are you doing?! Get away from her!" I replied with a smile "Do you how people die most of the time?" I saw panic flash over his anger "OD accidents. Do you know how many I've seen in this town? A couple every year. She could be one of them."

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