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My girl

I saw Ezra and Samuel paying attention to all of my words finally. We are currently having a video call as it was the last day of the trip. Violet told me she wanted to sleep in. Lucas decided to play with his little brother instead of going out with me. I decided to call my wingmen and ask them what could be the solution to my ordeal.

"The thing is simple Lucian, you have to seduce her. After everyone is asleep, you should seduce your wife. Remind her how good it felt being with you." I heard a snort. "Who was that?" I asked. "Iris thinks it will not work, you should try and understand what she is going through instead," Samuel said looking back at someone.

"I am always right Sam, talking always helps. Talking always works but you boys only have one solution for everything don't you?" She asked us. "I am not into that, I am open for options. I am in Disney land, one of the most magical places in the world. Still, I am clueless how I can win over my girl"

"Accept that you are wrong, make her feel belong and wanted. All girls want that, to feel belong and to feel wanted by their man. Violet too wants that." But I cannot succumb to her wishes. She wants me to do something that can hurt her. She wants me to do something that is going to hurt her so much. I cannot do that to her fragile self.

"Alright, I will see what I can do to make her happy. I will try my best." I told them and cut the call. I know what I can do, I can arrange for a very special night. I am in a place where magic is created and I can have some of that magic for my sweet querida. I know what I needed to do. "Hey buddy" I called Lucas. "Dada?"

"I want to surprise your mommy; you and baby want to help?" He was always eager to help. So I slipped out of the room. And took Lucas and Christopher with me. I needed to plan a date that will make her feel like my girl. Once again, so if I have to prove to her that she is still that then I will need something that will make her happy and trust me again. That is what I need to do now.

"Lucas do you know what Violet likes the most?" I asked my son. "What? Dada" "Violets" It was a funny and inside joke. Violets for Violet. She might remember that, won't she? Well, afterward she needed to show me off into the doctor's chamber. But the memory is still very much fresh in my mind. It wasn't like she was before. She isn't a submissive, she is a fire that brightens and warms my world. She used to. At least before it happened.

I need to get that girl back. The one who is possessive of me. The one who used to race through my mind. Who had dared to cross that limit for me, anything she could have done anything for me. I am selfish, I don't do everything right. In fact, when it comes to her, I do most of the things wrong. But one thing I have done right, I have gotten her in my life.

"What does mommy like?" Lucas asked me. "Many things one of such things were, there are ice creams, there are my sole attention and fireworks. She loves fireworks." I have an idea to surprise her. To really, really surprise Violet. I need to talk to someone about a fireworks show. I know she will be happy with this. I know she will. She will know for sure now, that I am the same Lucian she had once love. I can be forgiven for my mistakes, can't I?

But the trust you have broken can never be regained the same way once again.

Yes, I could never gain her trust back as she was hurt very badly. But her words still haunt me, the way she said I did nothing compared to him. Who is this person whom she talks about? She will not talk to me until she trusts me again and that is something I don't know if can happen again. But what she is doing is right. I will not trust myself after how I behaved with her. I wanted to protect her. Or maybe I wanted to protect myself against another imminent heartbreak.

But what life is without taking chances?

"Dada?" I looked at my little boy. "come on let's surprise your mommy." I held his hand and took him towards the park office. Time to give you a very special surprise Violet. And I might know just how to take your breath away in a way I have never done before.

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now