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10 years later

The Night Mansion was doused with lights. But I was more concerned about the arrival of my older son. Last ten years he hadn't been at home. And he only met his sister once a year. He refused to come home even when Violet had called him. That had upset her a little too much.

"Is he coming?" Violet asked me. "I have no idea querida. He hasn't given me any indication that he would. But I hope I see my son here. After all, in the last ten years he never missed any important events in his brother's life how can he miss his engagement ceremony?" I asked.

I watched the door as the car stopped and Luke walked out of it. The physical therapy he was in for years had been working. He walked inside and hugged his sister. "I missed you Luke" She complained. "I missed you well too Honey." He answered. "But I got you the dress you have been asking for, the latest as you requested. A small gift from my side."

His eyes met mine and he walked towards me. "Dad, how are you?" I hugged him. "I am good, your legs had been working well now." "They are for now, but it gives away time to time. I have no control over it anymore." As if on the cue his legs started to give in. I held him. "Violet the wheelchair," I called and she came inside with the chair. I placed him over it.

Someone come inside and I recognized that person. It was January's best friend Heather. She walked towards Lucas and gave him something. "Here it is the thing you asked for. Can I help you with anything else Luke?" She asked him. Lucas signed the file and gave it to her. "Will this be enough baby girl?" he asked softly. She took the file and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you it was thoughtful of you."

"Here you go Heather, make sure that it reaches its destination." She nodded and then she handed something to him. "Here, what you requested for." He smiled at that. "Thank you, Heather. My brother will love this personalized touch. And Heather you may not leave just yet. You are my date for the event." She said something to him and he smiled back at her. "I know, and I will not miss that event, Heather. Not for anything I promised you and Jan, haven't I?" She smiled back at him.

"Son, is everything alright between you two?" I asked him. "Yes Dad, as good as it can be with two individuals thrust into an unplanned situation." I sighed. "What, you haven't told her about this event? And that she was to be your date?" I asked him. "No, I just told her to meet me here dad. She is stuck with me. She cannot even dance with me if she wanted to. My legs will give up."

"But you can enjoy with her some other way, couldn't you?" I asked him. Before he can answer Chris came towards us. "So, you finally decided to grace us with your presence, right? Finally, remember that you have a family." Chris asked him. I do not like his tone. "Chris, can we not argue today about this?" Luke asked him. "I am home for your engagement and if you do not want me here, all you need to do is tell me that you don't and I will walk away."

Chris laughed at that "Walk away? Can you even walk without falling every five minutes or so? No wonder you are here because you know no one with the right mindset wants to be with you. As I have said again and again brother, having Night as the last name will not be enough to score a wife, let alone a girlfriend. No one wants half a man."

"Chris, enough is enough. Why do you keep insulting Luke? Why?" January asked him. "You know why very well Jan, you are my sister, my blood, he on the other hand is someone pinned on my mother, by our father because he cannot keep his bastard child away from him. Why do I have to give up on my mother's love for him? Because his own died tragically? Or maybe she didn't want him and wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible so she found the best way of escape is to pin the child on my father..."

I looked at Lucas and found he was standing alone, no one next to him. I remember what he had told me as he left the house ten years ago. "Chris enough is enough. You stop insulting your brother this way. Young man, you don't know what you are talking about at all. So I suggest you stop talking ill about your brother and have a little bit of control over your tongue." I told Chris.

Lucas stopped me. "I and you both know dad, he is right. I only am a Night in name, I am nothing more at this point other than your unwanted son." "No Luke you are not..." He shook his head. He slowly rolled his chair away as Heather came towards him and stopped him. "Stay for me and Jan" He raised his hand and touched her shoulder lightly. "I promise I will see both of you at the Graduation ceremony." He slowly led his chair out and I watched him go away for the second time. I saw the gift he was carrying on the table with the other ones.

I wonder if he will ever find happiness in his life. I wonder if my son ever finds selfless love surrounding him. I saw Violet and her eyes were moist. She loves him so much and it was hurting her to hear those words coming out of Chris's mouth. I saw Chris's fiancée holding him in his arms. "It is alright Chris" She whispered. But nothing was alright and at this point, I wonder if it will ever be alright any day in his life. I wonder if my son can ever live the life that he hoped for. 

Word Count: 1042 Words

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