Thirty- Six

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Trouble in paradise

Violet was pacing around restlessly. "When you are going to proceed with it?" She asked me. "Landon had sent men to scan the area to figure out the best route to storm the castle." I pulled her close but she pushed me away.

"Please call him, I want my little girl back. I want her back. Please." She told me. "She is not only yours Violet, she is mine as well," I told her. "No, you don't understand, you are not the mother. I am the mother, I nurtured her before she was born. I nurtured her nine months."

She looked at me with those tear-filled eyes of hers. "For nine months," her voice was clogged because of those tears. It is happening again. I am losing her. I am once again losing her. I tried to touch her but she pushed me away. "Let me be alone, please let me be alone for a while."

I poured myself a drink. I needed to be there with her. But she will not let me be with her. I am feeling it too. And soon, Luke will ask about his sister. The one he is inseparable from. Then if Luke will feel the tense environment, it will agitate Chris as well.

If the only way for my daughter to be back is to give him my technology, then be it. It is far better than anything that can and will happen to my family because I couldn't let go of the past I had. Truth is, I was not only developing this software because my commanding officer wanted me to. I wanted to punish those who had killed my unit. I wanted to see the light leave their eyes as they had when they mercilessly slaughtered everyone.

He left me because he wanted me to feel the pain when he killed them one after another. He wanted me to watch him do it. Because according to him, I was a bad person. I had infiltrated his home base; I had busted his arms convoy. I had done everything I shouldn't have and he left me because...

"I liked you, loved you like a brother but I was nurturing a snake that came back to bite me."

I threw the glass on the wall and it shattered into million pieces. "Fuck this, I am going to get her myself. No one shall be affected because of one mistake that I have done. Not my wife, my family, or my friends shall pay for my mistake. No one shall pay but me." I took out my gun from the locker and I took the flash drive with the file.

I wanted to see Violet one last time because I knew it was a suicide mission I am walking into. It is something I do not want to face but knowing it might be something that I have to do. It scares me so much. I do not want to walk out of that door knowing that I might not be coming back. And that scares me the most. The people that I will leave behind.

I know Violet might not wish to see me now, but I cannot leave without telling her. Without seeing her, for one last time. I knocked at the door calling her name. But she didn't answer me. She is still angry, or she may be sleeping. She might cry herself to sleep. I pushed the door and found it open. That strikes me as odd.

She never sleeps with her door open. Especially when she is angry, she didn't want anyone to disturb her. But I walked inside and saw the bed was unmade and she was nowhere to be found. I felt my heartbeat stop and I tried not to panic. I decided to search the house and around this property first. Maybe she had gone out, maybe she wanted to clear her head?

As I searched through the house, I found a paper under glass over the breakfast bar. My fear returns to its full extent. As I picked it up and read it.

Lucian, I cannot wait here idly. I am sorry, but I have to protect my child. I cannot wonder what might happen next. It is killing me from inside little by little.

I love you, do not try to find me. You cannot. I will return to you when she is with me.

P.S. my phone is at home and you cannot track me. So, don't try.

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