Thirty- Five

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Into the heart of the storm

I cannot believe how can someone take my daughter away from right under my nose. The place was guarded, there is no way anyone could have done this without inside help. But I cannot blame it on anyone. I looked at Violet who was very distressed. I do not wish to see her like that ever. But I am helpless in this case. "How can this happen?" I asked as the detectives ransacked my house for clues.

I held Violet's hand and she pushed me away. "Bring me, my baby, back. Bring her back." She cried. "I am trying to," "No" She shouted. "I told you, we are not safe, hasn't it?" She held my collar and started shaking me. "Violet, please get yourself in order." She turned and looked at the person which was Rosa. It made her more than angry now she is livid.

"You do not get to say anything." Violet put her finger over Rosa's chest. "First you try to destroy my marriage and now you want me to calm down when my daughter is been taken? What do you think of yourself?" She asked and Rosa was shocked. She didn't think that Violet would attack back at her like this. I got hold of Violet and took her towards my room.

"Querida, don't do this to yourself. She isn't responsible for our child. She would not want to have any kind of thing that would befall a child. She has children of her own." "Don't touch me, ok?" She pushed me away. "You will always be on her side. You always do this. That is my child. My child only. You don't get to say anything in her case." She told me.

I know she was mad now, but she is a mother and she is very sensitive. So, I did what I can at that time. I pulled her into a hug. She started to resist but after a moment or two she stopped and broke down in tears. "We will find her, I promise you, we will find her," I told her as I hugged her tightly in my arms. "Get my baby back, get her back. Please get her back." She is devastated. I can feel that.

"I love you alright, I love you and I love all our children," I told her softly. "I will find her," I told her. "I love you too." She whispered. "Please get my baby back, please get her back." She cried again holding me. It didn't occur to me that it can be something else entirely. I was almost done calming Violet. She is very much subdued for now. I heard a knock on the door and Violet to look up.

"There is an officer outside and he wishes to talk to both of you." I looked at Samuel and he walked inside hugged Violet. "I can tell him to come in and talk to you here." I nodded telling Samuel it would be better if we talked to them here. The detective came inside the room. He too was trying to point out what might have gotten down here. I don't want her to lose her cool. "Can we talk to you both? If that is alright" he told me. "What do you wish to know?" I asked.

"Alright, we will do our best, there would be few of the policemen. They will be here and alert if something goes down here." I nodded and he left leaving both of us alone. Violet stood up and walked out too. I followed her. She walked inside the nursery. And picked a cloth smelling it. A fresh set of tears escaped her eyes. "She had these beautiful grey eyes. And she is always happy smiling always." She cried holding her soft toy. She looked as distressed as she was when she was pregnant with Chris. I am losing her all over again.

I took the toy from her hand. She was sleeping, she might have cried herself to sleep. I couldn't do anything. I wonder what could have happened if I would be there in place of Violet. Could I have prevented it? I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. "It was her favorite toy. She never went to sleep without it." I turned around and hugged Rosa. I broke down in her arms that I couldn't with Violet.

She led me towards another room and gave me some water. "Here drink this Luci," She held the glass and I took a few sips. But I felt worse wondering whoever had taken her, would they be giving her all she needed? She was a little thing and she was demanding. Not everyone can understand her needs how could they? "She is so tiny, so small. She couldn't protect herself if it was needed." I looked up to face Rosa, "Could they give her enough water to survive? What if they..." I couldn't make myself say it.

Belong To The Night (The Billionaire's Love) Book 6 (Complete)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora