Thirty- four

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The secrets she keeps

Violet looked at me with her big green wide eyes. She wouldn't believe that she had been caught by me. She laughed at that trying to throw me off the trail. "You are being ridiculous baby, there is nothing wrong with me. I am hiding nothing." She pushed me away slightly and tried to walk away but not today. I am not going to let her walk away today. I held her hand and pulled her to me. "Luci, what are you doing? The guests will be here soon and I have to get the things ready for..." "What is that you are hiding from me, Violet?" I asked again.

She knew very much that I only call her Violet if I am very serious. I was very serious about knowing what is wrong with this whole situation. She didn't try to evade me then. But I can feel the distress that she was in. So, I picked her up and took her towards my study. Then I gave her a glass of water to calm her down. "Are you alright?" She nodded. She wasn't alright. I know, I have seen her in her every phase possible. She wasn't fine. No matter how much she wished to show it.

I sat down in front of her on the desk. She looked at me with a concerned expression. "What is wrong, you are not wrong. You can tell me anything. I am not just your husband. I wish to be the person you can trust in every situation." I tried to assure her. "I am not sure if I should tell you this." So, there is something she was hiding after all. "I am, please Querida, trust me" She placed her hand over mine.

"I am afraid that if I told you my story, you will never see me as you see me now." I pulled her close and whispered "But Querida there is nothing in this world that can make me love you any less than I do now. I love you and I will keep loving you." I placed a kiss on her forehead. That seems to calm her down a little. She looked calmer now. "Tell me, I need to know to protect you and my family better," I told her.

She pulled away and walked towards the window. She is deeply disturbed. I can see that. "It was the year when I told everyone that I was in Australia." She started to talk and for the first time since our marriage, I think she has mentioned the year away from us. She never did say a word to anyone about it. "You were in Australia, right? There are records which say so that you were." After I told her I realized that maybe I should have refrained from doing that.

Despite my slip of the tongue, she didn't say anything to me. Like I was and I admit am a bad kind of stalker. And I don't know why she didn't call me on it. But right now, I am in the safe zone. But once she had done telling the story I would be in the judgment box. "So, you were in Australia, right?" I asked. "Yes, I was in Australia but not the entire time. I have left because of Myra. She knew where I lived and she would have paid me a surprise visit or two." Yes, everything that is being wrong with us is somehow related to Myra. Why it is always Myra? I don't know.

"So, you decided to run to somewhere where she cannot find you isn't it?" I asked her. "Yes, I thought so, but she was not the exact reason I wanted to disappear." She told me. "Why?" I held her in my arms. "What had happened that led you to think that you needed to disappear?" She hugged me as if afraid of something. "I have engaged accidentally with some bad people there." She is not revealing enough for me to understand the depths of her trouble. "What people? And how did you get in?" Most importantly why didn't you call someone in for help?

"I didn't want to, but it so happened that I caught the eyes of a man. A very sadistic, evil, and psychotic man. I cannot even start to describe how deranged he was." She was shivering. That is not a good sign at all. That is not a good sign. I held her tightly against me. "It is alright, I am here ok? I am here" I tried to reassure her. "I am sorry, I am getting on your nerves." "No, no, no, it is alright," I assured her.

"What that man did to you?" He asked. "He scared me, so much. He wanted me. And he could have done anything to get to me." She told me as she shivered more. "So, I fled, I fled to Romania. I wanted to hide from him. But I couldn't, he would have found me, and..." she paused and looked at me. "He did so many bad things to me. The stuff of the nightmares." She looked at me. She is very much afraid of the person. "He is a very dangerous man. He is a very dangerous person. He can do anything to achieve what he wanted. And in this case, he wanted to get to me."

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