Chapter 22 : The Red Room

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The club but a bit darker and private tables and compartment
Edit- added scenes.

Nyx's Pov:

The time went by slowly and I couldn't be more excited.

Each passing second just added more to my excitement.
I have been in few BDSM based clubs but never with Axel, my boyfriend.

Fuck it feels so good to call him my boyfriend.
He is mine.

Just by the mere thought of going there his sub makes chills run down my spine.
I kept bouncing from the excitement the entire time.

In the kitchen having breakfast.
"Stop bouncing baby ." Axel chuckled as we ate breakfast.

"Stop bouncing your feet." Axel said smiling as we watched a movie.

" For the love of God stop bouncing Nyx and let me shampoo your hair!" Axel exclaimed as I giddily squealed and hugged him naked as we showered.

" Thank you for taking me , Is it 6 yet?" I asked him when it was 5 and we were getting ready.

I was excited , obviously I was.

Like who wouldn't be? You're gonna go to a place where people are tied over crosses and benches and whipped and spanked , naked while everyone watches.
Obviously you'll be excited.

Um maybe not, not when I said it that way.

Mehh who cares?
Stop to yourself Nyx! Shut up.

Finally after what felt like eternity it was 6 and Axel told me to get ready as we will be leaving for the club in 1p minutes.

I asked him what should I wear but he said wear whatever you want we'll change there and I was confused.
Change there? But didn't we wear Harness and leather pants with holes to pull out your willy from it? Was it old now?
God I should have visited that bar with Zad and Nick when they asked.

I haven't been to these kinds of clubs for god knows how long.
I didn't question Axel and got dressed in my blue ripped jeans and a white tee with black jacket to go.
Axel was wearing something same.

We got in the car and he turned on the radio. Nothing much was said as the music filled the air and all I could do was just bob my head to the music.

He didn't tell me anything else and decided to keep his mouth shut which kind of ticked me off.

Um talk to me, I can die from lack of your attention you sexy fella.

God what has he done to me?
Where does that Nyx go who was keen on world Domination.
Ok not that but still.
I knew I shouldn't let him fuck me , now I'm like his perfect little boyfriend.

Few minutes later we arrived at the bar and it was written in big red bold cursive letters. There was a girl's figure lying over the O of the room and boys figure leaning against the M of the room. The logo was quite catchy.

Let's see how catchy is the inside.


Two guards stopped us and asked for our IDs which we gave them and then entered the bar.

It seemed like a normal bar but I knew better than that.
BDSM clubs are usually hidden behind the normal looking bars.

"This is the normal club , the fun part is on the other side, Love" He whispered.

He said as we went to the bartender.

" Maintenance please." Axel asked politely and I stared at him weirdly.

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