Chapter 23 : Traitor

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Emily above

Axel's Pov:

I sighed for the millionth time as I typed away on my laptop for god knows why.

I am in my office doing my usual work and I can't help but wonder what Nyx has been upto.

For past few days , Nyx has been busy with other problems.

I know he is a prince and has far bigger problems but it would be helpful and nice if we did something together. I think I have been touch starved for weeks but it feels like an eternity.

He had to go back to his world to deal with few problems and he was just going and coming.

Sometimes I would see him wandering around house collecting things and leaving again. If he would see me , he would just smile at me, kiss me and leave.

I swear I haven't saw him naked let alone his bare chest for like two weeks.

Last time we went to that club was actually two weeks ago and since than he was busy.

He said to me on the next morning that day that he was going to finally do it.

he didn't tell me what and it was obvious he was hiding something from me ,I was sure. He was being distant purposely like not distant I would say. He never leaves a chance to touch me , he was just being extremely busy like as if he was waiting for something.

Today when he came back in the morning tired from God knows where . My doubts were confirmed that he definitely was hiding something from me. I tried asking where was he and he said he was helping a friend in New York.

I asked him if I could help and even asked him what it was but he only said.
"Only time will tell" he said it so bashfully and cutely with that little wink I couldn't even doubt that he definitely was upto something , mischievous.

And when it comes to Nyx , I prepared myself to be surprised. Because that little shit had so many tricks up his sleeves , that many a times left me awed and speechless.

Today Morning


I was on the couch sitting and sipping on my coffee.

The weather was a little cold and I typed an email on my laptop.

The door burst open and he came barging in his clothes from the night before.
I didn't knew when was the last time he changed cause I swear I saw him wearing this outfit like three days ago.

He dropped his bag on the couch and whined softly.

" Daddy , I'm tired.

I wanna cuddles.

And coffee. No, chocolate. No wait, Coffee? Yes coffee pleashhe!!!" He whined cutely and I chuckled.

" Fine lay down I'm bringing it."
He happily obliged and flopped on the huge couch.

And like kitten he stretched and started rolling on the couch. I mentally sighed , amused at his antiques.

Isn't it less graceful for this mighty prince?

"I heard that!"
"Get out of my mind!"

I brought him a cup of coffee and he snuggled closer to me while sipping on it like a kid while holding the cup with both hands on it.

I knew he was this corny and kiddish only in front of me and I felt like I was on the top of the world for receiving such treatment.

I wrapped my hands around him and buried my nose in his hairs inhaling his scent.

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