Chapter 39 : The Attack-P2

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(TW: blood , violence. *Spoiler* a scene where Emily gets thrashed by Axel. But that does not means women or anyone shall be beaten or abused no one deserves it. It's just a fictional book )

November 16 , 2021

Axels pov:

The next morning was filled with uneasiness and we all deep down knew something was going to happen today.
A weird dread-like feeling hung in the air and everyone could feel it . All of us were alert.

We were in the throne room when a weird pressure was felt by Nyx and the others.

"They're coming. The war has begun."Nyx said as he stood abruptly.

"Pearl! The army now!"Nyx shouted orders at the Elites and they ran out.
I could see the number of people walking out of the gates of castle and aligning.

The ground shook as a heavy blast was felt.

We ran to the balcony to see the four demons , Emily and a huge army of rouges standing on the city outskirts.
They blew down the main gate and were marching in.
It seemed unreal and straight out of a movie scene. The city's defense system activated firing heavy shots of enchanted bombs that when reached the ground did more damage expected by their size. We all just watched as their numbers, despite being getting blowned up by blasts didn't reduce.
I gulped as a weird feeling hit me.

"You don't have to fight if you are......"Nyx trailed and I shook my head. How could he say this?

"No I want to. I promised to stand by your side no matter what"

"Axel, it's really a bad situation." He said gently.

"If you die Nyx, I'm bound to die with you. Let me fight alongside you and I promise I'll keep you safe. I promised to keep you safe the first time we met. I'm going to promise that I'll be by your side in health and sickness. I'm your fiance Nyx, soon to be husband. Its my duty and my own will to fight and protect you. Come on looks like we have to go down." I said as jerked my chin to the city area that turned into a warzone.

We both stared at the giant ugly half man like things apparently called wilderbeast.
"She's using demons too. " Nyx muttered as he ignited another one of those fire balls like thing but this time purple in colour and threw it aiming at the beast.

The fireball flew and hit the beast lighting him and everyone withing a mile radius up in fire.
I just stared astonishingly at him, amazed by his strength and powers.
God knows what will be the outcome of this. I pray it turns to our favour.
Nyx took my hand and took me to his room.

"I never told you this but you're a really strong witch. Unlike others whom I have seen here no one can do what you do." I said as he opened the door to his closet.

" Unlike other witches, I was immortal and travelled around the world learning all sorts of magic, light and dark, irrespective of their origin. I drive my power from my immortality which is due to demons magic which is again dark. So yes I'm very powerful." He said smiling. But it didn't reach all the way to his eyes.

He stopped doing what he was doing and dropped his hands to his side.
He sighed sadly and I heard a small sniffle.

I turned him to face me to see tears pooling in his eyes.

"What happened Nyx?" I asked worried.

"I saw something." He replied meekly.
"What?"I asked frowning.

"Something related to you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

" What would your life looked like if I never met you ." He said.
I groaned in frustration.

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