Chapter 25 : Don't Go Yet

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(A:N- I couldn't come up with a better name for the chapter but this is the song for the chapter.

Plus a few extra scenes added here and there)


{T.W: Self Harm , suicide attempt , violence(blood).}

Axel's Pov:

I was a mess.

The moment I found that letter my whole world collapsed.

I couldn't focus on my work or even feel a single thing.

It was like destiny decided to give me something good for once but then played me.

I went numb the week after Nyx left.
The first week went in moping and crying.

I couldn't feel anything. I just kept crying and trying to contact him.

I developed insomnia and there were dark circles under my eyes. I lost focus and it was visible in my work pattern.

I always wondered how cool it would be to feel nothing , like a vampire just turn off their emotions.
But now when I was actually feeling nothing ,it wasn't cool at all.

I felt a never-ending void of darkness in me.
The next week's were spent on drinking and crying myself to sleep.

It has been three weeks going four now since he left me and I became an uncontrollable mess.

The days seem to turn longer and everything was going in the wrong direction.

Nothing made me smile anymore.

The first week was the most heartbreaking and tough for me.

I spent the entire week moping around , drinking , thinking about him , crying , harming and blaming myself and then pass out.

This was my everyday routine for the past one week. I became so depressed that I rarely left my home and all I wanted was to either be alone or be with him.

I spend my entire free time going through books , internet and whatever I could find on supernatural and way to find them.

One thing I came across was , you can never find an original , it's them who find you. It was from a random account on discord.

So no way in hell I could I try looking out for Nyx. Now that our mate bond was severed badly I no longer felt the connection strongly. It was there but it was breaking.

My room was filled with all sorts of weird supernatural books and the bed I slept in was surrounded by Rose quarts geodes and all accessories.

I kept buying it hoping if Nyx chose this stone it would definitely do something that'd bring him back or take me to him.

I still haven't gave up and I am trying to find every possible way to reach Nyx but most of the sources are telling me the same thing about a rejection and mate bond breaking.

'The weaker one dies.'



'Didn't make it.'

'Dies of heartbreak.'

'Lose their life'

Even I was wondering if death could be an option but I pushed that thought away.
I was sulking in my house and it was not healthy.

Lance kept visiting me from time to time and I knew he must think of me as crazy.
He was mad at me for starting self harming again.
I told him I can't stop but eventually promised him not to do it again.
A old habit came back and I can't help but fall back into it.

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