Chapter 36 : Vacation

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Axel's pov:

The next morning after Nyx's birthday was filled with hustle.
We had to wake up early in the morning so we can board our flight at 11.

Nyx packed his clothes and I mine and rushed back to the Mansion to pick more of our stuff.
It took us an hour and by 9:45 we were done.

We ate our breakfast and after showering we were completely done with everything.
I told Nyx to get in the car and soon we were at the airport.

But I guess we didn't have such a nice luck since we ran into a bunch of Paparazzi who were waiting like a hawk ready to catch their preys.

As soon as they saw us step out the car they were all over us.
Trying to protect my face from the flashes I put on my black goggles.
They were blocking our way and it pissed Nyx off.

"Gentleman If we miss our flight today you'll regret coming near me. Don't test me because I sure can ruin your entire life with a single phone call." Nyx growled and a way was made for us to pass.

Giving a faint thank you Nyx took our bags and walked in front of me as I gawked at him.

That was hot. I stood there watching as he strutted away looking so beautiful.
I could say I'm not actually surprised since I was his mate and I would find him beautiful nonetheless.

It still surprises me how only a few of his shoots made him famous.
He had many modelling companies lining up for him to model for them. He rose to fame exceptionally quick.

They seriously thought Nyx would leave my company and go to theirs.
Fortunately for us we boarded our flight right on time and all was set.
We were ready to go and I could sense Nyx's excitement bubbling in him.

His legs were literally shaking from excitement and one thing I'll regret the most is,
I shouldn't have gave him the extra strong coffee.
Nyx surely couldn't handle extra caffeine even if he was a vampire.
And now it seems he was a caffeine rush.

He kept asking dumb questions and god his first question wasn't even over when the next one began.
This was enough to annoy anyone but it only amused me and I couldn't stay mad let alone be annoyed by my cute hyperactive lover.

I lovingly pecked his cheek and answered all his question even the most stupid ones.
Caffeine surely brought out a very childish Nyx.

Before boarding the flight I checked whether I kept 'it' or not.

Back at home while Nyx was packing I , by the reason of buyinpg breakfast went out and picked the special gift I got for Nyx.
I specifically got it made for him and gave its order a week before Nyx's birthday. It cost me a fortune and I knew Nyx was going to love it.

Oh please Nyx would've loved me even If gave him a new sex toy for his birthday.
I chuckled at the thought and an excited Nyx raised an eyebrow at me.

"What is it? Am I looking funny? I asked you if I should wear this.

I knew I shouldn't have worn this? Who wears jeans and a jacket on a trip to Mauritius?
I guess I also put too much eyeliner on? Why did I even put it? Oh yeah because you like it. But I swear Axel if anyone says something first I will bite their head off and then a chunk out of your ass! Which I would love to? Would you-"I silenced him by kissing him.

" Ahye Lauve iht "he said dreamily and turned to look out the window.

I let out an amused chuckle and settled in my seat
It was going to be a long journey.

We would land there by nightfall.
It was a 12 hour flight and sure gonna be tiring.
At some point Nyx fell asleep tired and I did too.

When we woke up it was 3 and we both were hungry.
That kind of hungry.
Knowing it was not easy to sneak blood in a flight but being a known personality plus a supernatural had its perk.

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