1: Sickness

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Hi there! Thanks so much for clicking on this story! Now, if you are not into gay things, then this book is not for you. This is a story inspired by two characters form the anime My Hero Academia: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou. Happy Reading! Don't forget to comment and vote!

-Sucky Author

September 2nd, 3:00 AM. Location: Bakugou's Apartment.

Bakugou sighed as he rubbed his hand onto the omega's back in circular motions. "It's okay, baby. Let it all out." he sighed, pulling Midoriya's hair back slightly, making sure he wouldn't get any vomit in it. 

"Breathe..." The blonde mumbled, as his boyfriend coughed. The green haired boy pulled away from the toilet, shaking and breathing heavily. After being sick several times, he was unable to vomit anything else. He was hungry, and thirsty. But whenever he's try to ingest something, he'd only end up throwing up moments after. 

"Shh... Shh... Drink." Bakugou ordered, handing him a glass of water, before Izuku pushed it away. 

"I- Kah... I can't... It'll make me want to-" Midoriya let a few tears fall to the thought of being sick once more. Both boys had been awake for at least 30 minutes, and were both exhausted. 

"Come on, babe. You've got to eat something. You're literally empty..." The alpha stated, leaning against the wall. Izuku sat up, pushing a strand of his hair behind his ear, in thought. He craved something... But what?

The greenette thought for a few moments before looking up to his relaxed boyfriend. 

"Oranges." He said, smirking slightly. 

"Hm? Just oranges?" Katsuki asked, opening his eyes. 


Although it was the middle of the night, and Midoriya wasn't normally hungry at this hour, he craved oranges. That was it. 

Bakugou scoffed before leaning off the wall and walking out, soon returning with a bowl full of peeled oranges, handing them gently to his boyfriend, who was still seated on the floor. 

"Thank you." Midoriya said, grabbing the dish and swallowing a few pieces right away. 

"You're welcome." Bakugou chuckled, ruffling the green curls, before he sat down next to him.

It had only been about 3 days that Izuku was being sick. None of them knew why, but Bakugou was planning on bringing the small boy to the hospital if he didn't get any better within the next few days. It was just depending on whether he was going to stay sick or not... 

Poor Midoriya wasn't feeling well at all, which was making the blonde worry... 

In short, these boys were tired and honestly didn't even understand half of what was currently happening. All they knew for sure, was that they both needed some sleep. Lots of it too.

Our Little Baby \ A Bakudeku Story \ MPregOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora