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Delilah has been super excited about going to Tia Mia's

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Delilah has been super excited about going to Tia Mia's. So much so that Lottie and I couldn't deny her invitation. But I'm excited to hang out with my new friends.

"Alright, girls," Delilah says as she pushes open the door of the diner. "Y'all psyched for the game tonight? The Dawson Bears are our biggest rivals. It's gonna be epic."

Blanche makes a face. "We've beaten them regularly for the past ten years. I think we've got this." She turns to me. "You agree, don't you?"

I nod. Blanche is smart and methodical. When I started talking to her one day, I found out she's a great person. And in this case, correct.

Delilah sighs and plops down at a corner booth. "No fair. No one ever agrees with me." She flops backward dramatically and motions her hand at the booth. "Take a seat, you bullies."

I shake my head and take a seat across from her. "You're a dork," I tell her as I look at the menu. I'll probably get something small since I'm really in the mood for a milkshake. I can afford to get the milkshake, but I can only get a small fry, or I'll have to pay the price in the next few days.

"I can see you counting the calories in your head, Em," Lottie whispers to me. She rests her hand on my shoulder. "I know you're worried you'll be overeating again, but it's just one meal. You'll be okay."

I give her a small smile. She's trying to make me feel better and not starve myself - which I would never do - but this is more than I've let myself have in a while. "I'm fine, Lottie. I promise."

She purses her lips but lets it go.

"Someone's watching you." Delilah jerks her head toward the other side of the diner.

I follow her line of sight. Across the room are Tay and his friends. The former meets my gaze, and I look hold eye contact for a minute. Lottie told me that he got his sight back, but part of me didn't believe her. Until now.

He's looking right at me. In my eyes. Usually, he would have to hear me talk to find the right direction to look. This time I didn't say anything.

I take a deep breath and tear my gaze away. I can't stand to look at his face anymore. My heart squeezes as I remember the look on his face when I broke up with him. I feel the hot prick of tears behind my eyes and squeeze them shut. It's time to think of something else.

Tia comes to our table to take our order and leaves just as soon as she does so.

The bell above the door chimes as Darcie stomps into the diner. Her foul mood radiates off her as she ignores her boyfriend's greeting and walks over to us. She plops down in the booth beside Delilah and crosses her arms.

"Hon, are you -" Delilah begins to speak but is cut off by Darcie's frustrated growl.

"I've had it with Roxie. I don't care that she's -" Her mouth snaps shut to cut herself off, and she looks away. "Sorry. She's just being a bitch again and I can't stand it."

If Roxie's best friend is even admitting that she's being a bitch, then what Roxie did must have really irked her. Darcie never gets mad at anyone. Not anyone that I know, anyway.

"I'm just gonna hang out with y'all until the game if that's okay." Darcie stares straight ahead, fiddling with a discarded straw wrapper.

"Darcie!" Parker calls from his table.

When her head turns toward him, her scowl is replaced by a bright smile. She stands up to join him.

"Hey, girls, look," Blanche turns her phone around to where everyone can see it. "SHEIN is already advertising their fall wear."

"I can't believe it's almost November already." Lottie shakes her head.

I nod in agreement. "It's gonna get cold soon and I am so ready for hot chocolate and mittens." Winter is my favorite time of year. Winter brings low temperatures and snow. Snow is my absolute favorite thing about winter.

Tia sets our drinks down silently, before leaving again.

Delilah shudders. "Girl, you and I are on two separate pages." She laughs and takes a drink of her chocolate milkshake. "Dang, this is good."

I laugh and shake my head. I play with the red and white striped straw in my milkshake before taking a sip. Darcie is still at the guys' table, and when I call for her, she gives Parker a peck on the cheek and leaves.

"Thank the Lord for you, Emori. I wasn't sure Parker was gonna let me go." She returns to her seat and shakes her head. "I'm kidding. He's such a sweet guy. I'm lucky to have him."

I smile at the happy grin on her face. Jealousy creeps up the back of my mind, but I shake it off. There is no reason to be jealous of how happy she is. "So, you girls ready for the game?"

Blanche makes a short humming sound to get our attention as she swallows some of her Diet Pepsi. "Guess what I heard."

I frown. Blanche always has some sort of juicy gossip to share with us. Perks of being a teacher's pet to the principal. There's no telling what her news is, this time. Probably something I already know.

"Tay's gonna be at the game. On top of that, he'll be down on the field with the coaches."

I almost spit my vanilla milkshake at her. "What, now? Is he gonna play?"

Lottie shakes her head. "This is the first I'm hearing of this. Are you sure?"

Blanche nods. "Travis and Jackson talked to him about it at lunch. It was your mom's and the coach's idea. He said yes, so it's definitely happening. I'm not sure if he'll be playing though."

Tay hasn't played football in months. Will he even be eligible to start now? That's great if he can, but he's only just made a full recovery. Is he even ready to play? Or can he even sit down there on the sideline without a possible panic attack?

I glance over at his table. He seems happy enough. He's laughing about something and doesn't look any worse for wear.

"Well, I... I think it's good for him, you know? He's been through a lot. This'll be good." I can't even hide the worry in my tone. If all goes well, then that's good. But if it goes bad... Tay can't handle that. I haven't talked to him much since the breakup, but I don't want him to get hurt.

"I have faith in him," Lottie chimes in.

I just hope our faith is enough.

When Tia brings our food, the guys have finished eating and made their exit, and as Tay leaves, he looks at me and waves. I stare down at my fries and pick at them. They're too hot to eat yet but looking at them gives me an excuse to look somewhere else.

For the rest of the time we eat, I stay quiet and contribute to the conversation only when asked. My mood has taken a turn for the worst, and I'm not sure how to combat it. So, I do what I've always done and plaster a smile on my face and pretend everything is normal.

Tonight's game can't get here any faster.

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