Chapter 1

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The alarm clock goes off. Guess it's 8 am. Time for me to get ready for the day. I get out of my lofted bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I look in the mirror I almost feel like someone else is staring back though that's how I always feel. I finish getting ready in the bathroom. I then get dressed in nothing too fancy. I then head into the cafeteria for breakfast where I meet my best friend Astra. 

"Hey Thomas, how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine, what about you?"

"I tossed and turned a little"

We then ate our breakfast together and ended up scrolling through tik tok. I think because Astra sent me lots of Tik Toks it thinks I'm a lesbian like her. LOL no. though it is a little bit of an inside joke that Astra says I act like a lesbian. I then head off to class. 

As the professor goes off about the ratio test I realize that calculus II is a really boring class. I know I'm studying computer programingShouldnt that mean that math is easy? First of all, once you learn the concepts it's not hard. Second I said it was boring. Plus being a programmer does not automatically mean I like it. Finally, the processor finishes so I head off to meet Astra for lunch. 

As I look around the cafeteria to see my friend I see her signature red curls and see her overalls. I walk over to Astra and say hi. We then sit down for lunch. As I'm eating I look at her face and just study it. She has beautiful green eyes and lots of freckles on her face. Honestly, She's really pretty and super nice! Honestly, sometimes I just think about how lucky I am she is my friend. I literally tell her everything. Well, almost everything, I wouldn't tell her that. No what am I thinking that's not real.

"What are you thinking about dummy?  you have a stupid look on your face." She says to me snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"I guess I was thinking about how I'm just glad you're my friend."

"Well duh, I'm your friend who else would hang out with you."


"I'm just kidding I'm glad we are friends too! Anyways sorry to cut it short but I have class. I will see you after"

I then head off to my next class. Both Astra and I are sophomores and we are both 19.  It would work out great if we had classes together but our majors are quite different. As the Professor for the next class takes the role he calls me Mr. Thomas Grey. Honestly, why does that make me feel a little uncomfortable? I shrug it off and try to make good notes for class. Finally class ends and I honestly think I might have a page of coherent notes. New record lol.

I meet up with Astra and we decide to go to a restaurant across the road. We wait for the walk sign and then start to head across. As we walk across I here the screeching of tires and then everything goes dark. 

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