Chapter 4

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Did I hear that wrong? Did that person call me ma'am? As I'm pondering what he said all the townspeople empty out what seems to be their church. A woman comes forward who seems to be regarded as the leader to these people. She approaches me and says,

"Thank you miss for saving our humble town! My name is Ava and I am the leader of this town. We are forever grateful! As thanks for your heroics, we will have a feast for you! If you don't mind me asking, what is the name of the heroine that saved our town?"

Why does everyone think that I'm a girl? Not that I mind but it just seems weird that everyone seems to think that. Maybe I should ask?

"Why do you think I'm a girl?"

Ava gives a weird look at me before saying,

"You look like one? I'm sorry to assume What shall we refer to you as?"

"I do? I mean yea I do!" 

Mental note maybe The lights magic made my body look a little more feminine? Guess I'll have to find a mirror. For now, if these people think I'm a girl it'll be weird so I should just play along. Plus it's not like being referred to as a girl makes me uncomfortable or anything. 

" Yea I am a girl what else would I be?"

I try to smile at them to make it seem less weird. Wait, was my voice always this high? Am I just imagining that? I kinda like it. Ava gives me a strange look and just responded,

"Okay? Um well, then what is your name?"

Oh crap! Name what Name? I can't say Thomas that's a boy's name. What's a good girl's name? Astra? No, I can't take my best friend's name!  I should look around for inspiration! All I see are houses, buildings, trees, birds, and the field of flowers mainly roses. Roses! Rose that's the perfect name!

"My name is Rose!"

"Well Rose, thank you for saving this town!"

Ava then goes back to the other people and seems to discuss some things. After that everyone disperses to do things. To of the woman tell me to follow them. They bring me to a smaller house and bring me to a bedroom. They then bring different dresses up to me trying to see if one is my size. I try to explain to them that it's ok I don't need one of their dresses but they say that the clothes I'm wearing are not suitable for a banquet. I look down and realize that they're right. I'm just wearing a hoodie and jeans. I'm surprised the light replaced the body but not my clothes. Though looking at it This body seems to be a little different shape. My clothes seem too long on me and it's a little tighter in the chest. As Im lost in my thoughts the woman found a good dress for me. They then leave me in the room to get changed. 

I change into the dress they chose. It fits rather well and looks nice too. It is a light blue color with white lace all around. I do a spin and the dress twirls rather nicely. I've always wanted to do that! I saw girls do that and always thought it looked fun! It is! I've always wanted to wear a dress to try that. I guess that may sound weird but it's not right? plenty of guys think like that. As I do another spin I stop and see a mirror. I walk up to it and see that what the villagers said was true! I looked like an honest to gods girl. I had a beautiful face with a softer chin. My eyes were still blue but my eyebrows were shapely. My hair was no longer short but beautiful long black straight hair in a braid. My hips were bigger and so was my chest. I looked like a  girl! I looked like a pretty girl! and it almost felt right?

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