Chapter 7

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I awake the next day and I immediately go to check the map. It looks like Astra is only an hour or so away. I then go and check to make sure that my magic illusion was holding. I think it looked really realistic. I don't think I will be discovered as long as Astra does not try to touch my face because my body now is a bit shorter. I then got breakfast and prepared to meet her.

I got bored of waiting so I decided to start walking out of town to where Astra was coming from. After what was probably about thirty minutes I saw her down the path. She then ran at me at yelled excitedly, once she got to where I was she tried to give me a hug to which I tried to move her to the side so that she could not see through the illusion. She looked slightly different though. She was a little taller, and she seemed to have nice toned muscular arms. 

"You look so good, Astra! It looks like the body gave you a few changes! You look so good! Honestly, it's great to see you I missed you a lot!"

"Yea it did! Let me get a good look at you!" 

She stepped back for a minute and looked me over head to toe. When she looked back up at me she almost looked surprised? no that's not it. I must be reading her face wrong.

"You look just the same! I guess you just felt completely comfortable in your form! I miss you too hun!"

"Yea that's me. Always comfy in my own body." I said a little awkwardly. Hopefully, she doesn't notice. 

"That's good! I guess I just expected at least a little change. But good for you!"

"Thanks." I say rather unenthusiastically. "So what happened since the bright light took us here?"


Astras POV 

I wake up from that weird light told my best friend and I that we could be heroes in a fantasy world. I readily take a look at my surroundings And realize I'm laying down on a trail that is going through the forest. Next to me is a sword and a map. Just as promised I guess! I then remember that I was sent to a place that was apparently getting attacked by the undead. I look around to see if I can spot any people or buildings. Looking at the sky I realize that there is smoke coming from down the path. I then rush down the path. 

I got to the clearing and see the town. It does not seem to be a big village. Toward the far side of the village, there seems to be a tower. As I get closer to the town I notice the undead. Most of them seem to be gathering around the tower. The rest seemed to be wandering around. the zombies looked like what I think undead would look like except for the fact that a few of them were on fire! They did not even seem to mind it either! As I get closer a zombie comes out from behind a building and tries to attack me. I quickly raise my sword and slash the zombie. That seemed fairly easy. At that moment I notice my arms are actually muscular as opposed to my previously almost noodle arms. Nice! I guess the light did say our bodies could be different.

A fireball about the size of a yoga ball shot out from the top of the tower. It hit three zombies but only one of them actually got hurt by it. I then get even closer to the tower before another zombie tries to stop me. I also cut down this corpse as easily as the last one. The tower then shoots down the ice at the foot of one of the zombies and the ice managed to freeze its feet and stop it from moving. I finally make it to the tower, and by the time I have done that all the zombies around the tower are partially incapacitated by the ice. I then go to each of the corpses and finish them off. After that happened a door at the base of the tower opened, and glowing words inviting me in appeared above the doorway. I entered and was beckoned by more glowing words to go to the top.

  Once I reached the top I was greeted by a very pretty lady with black hair and pointed ears.

"Hello, Stranger! My name is Sophia! Thank you for your help in dispatching that undead! They seemed to be a very rare breed that is quite resistant to magic. So what is a pretty lady like you doing out here with just a sword? And may I ask what your name is?"

"My name Is Astra and I guess I came to your land to become a hero. THough to be honest I am new to your land."

"Well thank you Astra for your help! As a token of gratitude, I would like to give you a book with magic! it will help you in this land in many ways. I also offer safe logging here and food for as long as you find yourself here! Wouldnt want a cute one like you to have to be sleeping on the ground" She then proceeds to wink at me.

Is she flirting? Maybe all the people in this land are that nice. After it was determined safe all the townsfolk came back and thanked us for stopping the zombies. The next day I left the town on my way to find my best friend.

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