Chapter 2

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I wake up in a really weird place. It's like the open night sky I can see all the stars. They shine so brightly and beautifully. Wasnt it just day? I look around and realize all around me are the stars. I'm not on any solid surface. Honestly, it just looks like I'm floating. Off a bit I can see someone I try to move over to them and realize I can move through the air almost like Im flying. This must be some weird dream. Though I have never been able to control my dreams like this. I reach the person and realize that it's Astra. 

"What just happened?" Astra asks. 

I just shrug my shoulders.  I notice one of the stars seems to come closer. I yelp as it speeds up and then stops right in front of us. 

"BE NOT AFRAID" a booming voice says from the light. the voice then clears their throat.

"Sorry about that," The voice says in a southern girl accent. Honestly, the voice reminded me of a southern waitress who is super nice. 

"Look I know this is a lot for yall to take in. I'm sorry to have to tell yall this but you died."

Astra and I just look at each other and gulp.

"But don't worry yall you actually got some options."

"Options what kind of options?" I say very hesitantly. 

"Well don't worry no bad options hun"

"So what are they?" Astra asks.

"Oh right down to business. You can go to an afterlife kind of like what some religions call heaven. Basically, this is what most people choose. Many of your loved ones are there and you don't have to work or do stuff you don't want to. Basically, it's a pleasant little utopia"

"What is the other option?" I ask

"Well, there happens to be a world that has a huge problem. No one has gone to fix it yet and Gods cannot directly interfere."

 "So what our other option is to go to this new world and clean up this problem?" Astra asks the disembodied voice.

"Yes, basically you would be put there with your current knowledge and all the assistance I can give you."

"Could we go together?" I ask.

"Normally no but since yall passed on at the same time from the same accident you can."

"So what would we have to do?" Astra says quizzically.

"This world is currently being taken over by an evil Lich and his army of undead. Normally we would not send heroes but the Lich king is using his armies to gather the supplies to be able to invade other worlds and we can't let that happen. So if yall so choose ill send yall to this world with weapons capable of killing the Lich king."

"So what happens if we die again but fighting the Lich king?" I ask the ball of light.

"Yall can just go to the afterlife."

"So If we defeat the Lich king do we get to stay in that world?" Astra chimes in.

"Only if yall want to."

Astra and I look at each other. It looks like she wants to go. I kind of do to. We both turn back to the light. 

"We'll go and do it!" We say in unison. 

"Great! As thanks for doing this, I shall bestow on yall three gifts. First, I shall give you magical swords that grow in power the more undead are killed with them. Second, I shall give yall each map's which tell you where the undead is attacking where the other is and where the Lich king is. Finally, I shall give yall all-new bodies. They shall be how you always wanted to be on the inside. These bodies will also have all the talents needed to defeat the Lich King. Any Questions?"

Astra and I look at each other and then say in unison "No"

"Alright, I'll send yall off! just so yall know as two different towns are under attack by zombies Ill send you to two different places. Yall can then use that maps to meet up. Alright off you go!"

The light disappears and then everything goes dark.

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