Chapter 5

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After I was finished changing the women who were helping me earlier whose names I found out to be Margret and Agatha. Honestly not good fantasy names if you ask me. But I guess this world is not based on my world's idea of fantasy. So I guess that makes sense that it is different from people's imaginary fantasy because it just is fantasy. I guess? I honestly don't know if that makes sense. But I guess it doesn't have to? It's not like I'm explaining this to anyone right?

Anyways I snapped back to reality and out of my thoughts as Margret and Agatha brought me to what seemed to be a great hall. As we entered I realized that it seemed the entire town was there. Ava then found me and brought me to a seat at what I might say the table of honor. I sat in a quite nice wood seat it seemed to be carved rather skillfully out of wood. I seemed to sit with Ava and a few others that seemed to be the town elders. At this table, we were facing all the other tables. Ava made a speech thanking me for saving their town. We then made a simple prayer to some gods whose names I did not recognize. We then started to eat. The food was great and after everyone ate they cleared the tables to make room as music instruments were brought out. The people started to play and some of the people even danced. This celebration went on to the long hours of the night. At that point, one of the families offered an extra bed to me which I graciously accepted.

In the morning the family gave me breakfast I then told them of my plan to leave and meet my friend. They told me to talk to Ava before I left. I Found Ava and told her of my plan to leave. She said she could provide transport to the next town with one of the villagers whose name was Mac. Mac had business in the next town. I then prepared to leave. Before we told off Ava gave me food a few gold pieces and a book that looked quite old. She again thanked me and then we were off.

Mac had a cart and I was in the back with some of the wears that I assumed he planned to sell in the next town. I was told that it was going to take almost till dusk so I settled in and looked at the map. Astra seemed to be a little farther away but seemed to be heading this way. She seemed to be around four days travel away. I then set the mao aside and drew my attention towards the book given to me. Apparently it was what the undead were after. They have been trying to get any magic items that they can. Ava no longer wanted it in the town if it attracts trouble. Also apparently no one in their town could read it. I opened the book anyways just to see it. To my surprise, I could read it. The words of the light echo in my head "The body will have the skills needed" I guess that means languages as well. I guess that's why I understand everyone. Guess they might not even speak English. I guess this book is a spellbook of sorts. looks like it has a bunch of spells. Conjuration, Nature, Elemental, Healing, Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy. These seemed to be the main groups of spells. the book seemed to group them by this, but also on difficulty and supplies needed to cast them. First were the ones with just verbal incantations. Then ones with hand motions involved. Then ones that needed crystals and things like that. The book also explained that some spells needed concentration to maintain them. It also warned about the danger of casting above your skill level. The more powerful spell the harder it is to control it. It can also exhaust the user among other terrible things.

I decided that I needed to see if I could cast magic. So I found one of the simplest elemental spells. It just needed to have a few words said and for one of your hands to be open. It was supposed to just summon a small flame in your hand. I then opened my left hand and said the words, "facite ergo flamma." A very small flame about as big as what would come out of a lighter was summoned. I could do magic!!!!!!!! I read more in the book and figured out that being completely calm is very necessary for proper magic. If you panic it cannot work. Also, the words need to be clearly said and with purpose. So I decided to try again. I did a breathing exercise to center myself. I then tried to say the words as best as I could with a strong conviction. "FACITE ERGO FLAMMA!" After I said that a flame about the size of a softball came roaring to life in my hand. I got excited flailed my arms around a little and giggled to myself. This then made my flame flicker out. Right... Concentration. I worked on that spell for the next half hour. I was able to keep it up as long as I focused on it in my hand. I was even able to throw it. It landed in the dirt and sputtered out but I decided not to practice throwing it currently. I mean I don't want to burn the cart.

I take a break from practicing summoning fire and reading the book. I eat some of the bread I was given. I also take a look at the map again. Astra was not much farther from where she started. I miss her. I know it's only been a few days but I don't normally go this long without seeing her pretty face. I wonder if her face has changed as much as mine has. Wait that's right! She doesn't know that I'm a girl now! Or I mean look like a girl. And feel like a girl. I guess. She's going to freak out!!!! Like that's so weird. I may be fine with being a girl but she will think I'm weird. She will not want to be friends with a freak like me. Wait did I just think that? Am I ok with being a girl? I know it's weird but I feel strangely at peace with it. and almost relieved? I still don't know what all do with Astra though.

To get my mind off of that I went back to the spellbook. I was looking through the different kinds of spells and stumbled on an illusion spell. It was fairly easy and it took minimal concentration to maintain I just basically could not raise my heart rate too much or the illusion would fail. This illusion sticks to an object or person and will make you look however you like. The only thing about this spell is that it doesn't physically change you. It cant add actual height to you just make you look taller. If something touches where the illusion is but nothing is there it will pass through the illusion. I first try this spell on an apple I made it look like a pear. It was amazing! The spell made the apple look like a pear. I then tried to touch the top of the pear and my hand passed through the illusion. I can work with this. I ended up practicing that spell for the rest of the ride. I then thanked Mac for the ride and parted ways.

I was able to find an Inn and I was able to get a room and food for a gold piece. I got to my room and found a mirror. I then cast the illusion on myself. After the spell took effect there was the old me staring back at me. It felt wrong, but it was necessary. I just had to keep telling myself I need to do this otherwise Astra will no longer be my friend. And then I'll have no one. So I need to do this.

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