that's one hell of a birthday surprise

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i could hear some mumbling and then a very distinct american 'her mom said she'd probably be here'.
i stand and run to the door, knowing exactly who was there.

"jacob! what the fuck are you doing here?" i shout as i run toward him and engulf him in a hug.

"nice to meet you too, lulla." he says in his normal warm and calming voice.

"what are you doing here?" i ask again with a small chuckle and letting go.

"well it is your birthday tomorrow." he explains.

"oh shit, yeah. i forgot about that," i laugh.

"you forgot about your own 16th birthday?" he asks.

"yes?" i say, "i've had alot going on..."

"well, let's forget about all that for a bit and focus on your party."

"party?" i ask.

"oh yeah," he starts. "me, jack, wil, george, jess and y/bfs/n have organised you a party."

i turn around to see jack, wil and george stood behind me.

"really?" i ask.

"yeah! we thought it'd be a fun thing to help get your mind off things and it's your 16th, so it's gotta be fun, right?" george says, rather excitedly.

"thank you guys!" i exclaim.

time skip cause idk what else to write...
it's the next morning, you stayed at jack's again.
jacob and everyone else stayed in the living room for the night.

i'm woken up at around 7am.

"ugh, too early..." i say, extending the 'y'.

"come on y/n/n, it's your birthday." i hear jack whisper into my ear.

i roll over and look jack in the face.

"i hate you." i deadpanned.

"no you don't." he says with a small laugh and pulling me into a hug.

"eww noooooo!" i squeal, laughing in the process.

me and jack burst into a fit of giggles and get out of the bed.

"i think you should go and make me breakfast." i say with a smile.

"i think you should come downstairs and eat the breakfast that i've already made you." jack says, mimicking my tone of voice.

"oh- " i say, wandering toward his bedroom door.

we walk downstairs and into his kitchen, to be met by a table full of food and surrounded by jess, george, y/bsf/n, wilbur, tommy, tubbo, (fuck eret, sorry couldn't help myself lol) niki, jacob and josh.

"happy birthday!" everyone chorused.

"thanks you guys." i smile, before taking a seat and grabbing a plate of food.

we spent the morning eating, joking around and me opening presents.

niki had gotten me a cute little lyric book, which i thought was absolutely adorable.
josh had given me a card, which is more than i had expected from him.
wil had given me one of his guitar picks to 'add to my collection', which i hadn't even started.
jess and y/bsf/n had got me a joint present of a really nice new headset.
jacob had brought me american soda, something i had been jokingly but not so jokingly asking for, for a while now, as i wanted to try it because england didn't allow high-fructose corn syrup in the drinks or anything.
i had also gotten a small bracelet from george, he said that it matched the necklace he had given me straight afterwards, which was from our mum, something he said that she had wanted to give me since i was little.
tubbo gave me a cute little bee ring and minecraft bee plush, as we had discovered that we had a shared love of bees.
i'd been given a 'tommy' t-shirt from the man himself, then around 5 minutes later a small teddy bear with a shirt on it that says 'lulla' on the back of it, as the first gift was 'just a little joke'.
and finally, jack. he gave me a ring decorated with five small rubies across the top of it and ruby earrings to match. they were beautiful.

"oh wow! thank you all so much! i love it all!" i say happily.

soon after we all make our way into the back garden, to start off the party.

(haha 690 words again...i'm so childish)

we were all listening to music and joking around when the music was interrupted by a phone ringtone - we were using a bluetooth speaker - i couldn't remember who had connected to the speaker.
the call was answered and y/bsf/n had put the phone to their ear.

"hey y/bsf/n," rung through the speaker, i recognised that voice.

"harry?" i ask.

"uh- bye." y/bsf/n says, before hanging up on him.

"why was harry calling you?" i ask.

"he uh- "

"oh my was you wasn't it?" i ask quietly.

"what?" y/bsf/n asks.

"it was you that he cheated on me with. wasn't it?" i say again, louder.

"y/n...i'm sor- "

"no you're not." i state.

"you're right, i'm not sorry at all. i mean, your ex before harry was just as adamant that i am so much better than you." y/bsf/n says, their whole voice and demeanour changing.

y/bsf/n secretly a bitch? i think so.
anyways, i really appreciate the reads and votes and comments.
thanks for reading <3


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