so what does that make us?

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he moves closer, slowly putting his hand to the side of my head, guiding my lips toward his.

i close the gap.


i melt into the kiss, it lasts around 10 seconds.
we both pull away at the same time, not taking our eyes of one another.

"you know, i've been waiting to do that ever since i met you." he speaks, softly and with a small smile.

i smile back at him, not quite knowing what to say.

"damn, i really got you speechless huh?"
he says to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

"oh shut up, asshole."

"don't call me an asshole." he laughs.

"i will call you whatever i bloody want to call you. asshole."

"no you won't."

"you can't make me." i say, getting bolder with my words.

"oh, i think you'll find i can."

i lean close to his face, emphasising my words as i say "try me."

jack leans in and closes the gap, this time the kiss was less careful and restrained, more passionate and almost needy.
we stay like that for a while, neither of us wanting to break the kiss, except to catch our breaths.

fucking finally.

we pull away and just stare at each other, neither wanting to move from this position.

"you're amazing, you know that right?"
jack says with a smile.

"if you say so." i say, rolling my eyes.

"i do, idiot."

"and you were telling me off for calling you names," i say, once again rolling my eyes at him, with a smile on my face.

i give him a quick peck on the cheek before standing up.

"where are you going?" he whined, pouting at me.

"i'm tired," i whine back.

he stands up and wraps his arms around me.

"but i don't want you to go..." he whispers into my ear.

"well there's an easy solution for that."

i break the hug and take his hands, leading him toward my bed room. we'd shared a bed before, not like it's weird for us or anything.
we lay down in bed and face eachother.

"hi," i say quietly.

"hello," he returns, a smile on my face.

"wait- so, what does this make us now?"

"well, would you want to be my lovely and beautiful and amazing girlfriend?"
he says, a small chuckle following.

"well duh." i say back.

we both settle down and drift off to sleep, my in his arms.


and that's it! i know this chapter's short, i'm sorry about that part...
37 chapters (i added one after i said i'd taken one out lol).
there will be a sequel for anyone that wants to see the 'aftermath' of everything.
i ended it here, as i know alot of people don't really read on after the two main characters 'get togther', so i thought i'd split it into two books.
i've explained it all in the next chapter.
and once again, thank you all so much for reading, i really do appreciate it <3


in the middle of juneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora