Chapter 36

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Drake's? POV:

This is a nice day. Fishing isn't something I'm particularly good at but I'm sure I'll become a pro at some point. I feel the rod move as I snap back into reality. Reeling it in it takes up most of my strength only to find out that I caught a ball of trash... great. Sighing I retract the hook and pack up my rod. Flumping down of the grass I can feel the soft water, that was resting on the greenery, brush against my skin... I'm tired. Why? Aren't I always tired? Yes? No? Doesn't matter. I'm just tired.

"ᓵ𝙹ꖎꖎ╎リ!" I perk my head up, what was that? Turning to my side I spot Armen trotting towards me.

Smiling I get up, he is still carrying around that diamond sword I got for him... did I get it? No that was- anyway, he needs to get more clothes. The light blue top and trousers are getting too small for him along with that pointy hat barely hanging on to his long black hair. 

"What are you doing? Are you really trying to fish again?" He jokes.

I ruffle his hair, "I'm trying. I'll get there at some point." I claim confidently. Why is my throat horse?

"Sure, sure. Oh yeah! I wanted to visit the library again. Can you come please?" He begs. That place is way too creepy. That old lady is a walking corpse who hates me as much as I hate her. However, Armen doesn't care about her, he love to just go there and read the book in the isles, he has to be supervised whenever visiting, especially after getting lost in the history section which may or may not have nearly been burnt because of him.

I sigh, "What about Mum? Can't she go with you?"

He shakes his head, "She's busy helping Dad at the capital."

I roll my eyes "Fine. Let's go." I pick up my stuff and we start our walk.

It's not far but it's long enough for him to tease me about my fishing but also complement me on my diligence. He's very bubbly and keeps on skipping around. I wonder what book he's getting this time. The last one he showed me was odd. I still have in my room... I might get rid of it, looking at it gives me a bad... a bad feeling. I'm poked back into reality as Armen exclaims we're there.

Heading in, the librarian and I exchange glares before we head off into the maze of shelves. Armen rushes into his favourite section: History. He's near obsessed with understanding the history of this village, past world, other countries and occasionally fictional history. It's obvious that some of the mythology books have invaded this section but I don't complain as that seems to be the only books Armen looks at nowadays. He picks out a small one, it's a very graphic book with colours splashing all over the place, must be expensive. Glad I'm not buying it. 

"Look at this! It talks about magic in these pages." He points out.

Looking down it shows pictures of people who have weird smudges of different elements forming around their hands. It talks about evil, good and neutral mages and their elements they control.

"That sounds fun! Being able to control things with your hands and just shooting out puffs of smoke!" He exclaims excitedly, mimicking the action. 

"Yeah, sounds fun." Sounds like hell, "Alas, magic doesn't exist... medics are a lot like mages if you think about it." he adores what the pharmacists and chemists do in the capital.

"But magic does exist Drake. You have it, remember?" His whole mood changes as he stares directly at me with no clear emotions.

"I- what?"

We're outside now.

Armen's bouncing along as a soft wind passes us by. I look down at my arms, they're... there? I can see them but I don't know.... one looks darker than the other but at the same time they look the same. What is this? Who am I?

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