Chapter 23

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Third Person POV:

"Firstly, there are three; pawns that unknowingly move in one dictated direction whilst a fourth, forgotten and left, wait for a sorrowful reunion. Then there's your favourites; two striding rooks that never diverge from the straight and simple path where as the bishop parted from the easy road before the game even started, yet desperately stuck with the rooks in hope of  saving them."

The demon completes his over the top metaphor, twiddling with the cracked knight he waits for the corrupt emperor to finally speak, unaware to the egotistical demon, Ferox had payed no attention to anything he said, instead he sat there bored out of his mind as he fiddles with the necklace that dangles from his neck, finally getting the attention of Hero.

"What have I told you about fiddling with that?" He snaps, suddenly floating in front of Ferox, making him slightly jump.

"Yeah yeah. I know, it's 'precious'." Despite shifting into a formal position, his tone and choice of words only dull his outwards appearance, "Why do you need a bloody host when you can appear in front of me like this?" although the being in front of him is the most powerful demon in hell, Ferox isn't fazed in the slightest and still thinks himself above that of a god. 

His question makes the demon frown; he fiddles with his brown curly hair before making a statement, "Magic is a jester that play cruel jokes for those who bend it." 

He didn't like that answer, "Give me a proper answer or I won't help you any further." he threats, so confident yet so stupid.

The demon has no reason to continue this fake partnership yet the fun of complicating things persuaded him to re-think his next statement. "There's a trick to these worlds, things that make sure no one stays in charge forever, however, there are ways around it... and with... your help... I can reach a state of power and you'd be able to rule the land, you just need to keep that 'gem' safe and do your part."  the words nearly failed to come out as it damages his proud personality, before he could take it back his lifeless eyes narrowly land on the stained glass window that looms over the neglected section of the Emerald city. Decades, even centuries, no matter what it just increases, descending further into destruction. An audible sigh from the mortal indicates his silent fury and impatientness. 

"I have my own ways of ruling and I'll be able to complete it with or without you, so, I will not continue unless you show me the book. You claim it exists yet there's no trace of such a book in history, how can I be sure you're not scamming me." Hero glares at the spoilt child, making him flinch, but he stands his ground.

"I'm here, I think that's plenty of evidence that it works and exists." There's no good way of convincing the stubborn fool, nor does he care to try.

"Really? That's rich. Give me a real reason to even consider keeping this deal." His aquamarine eyes stare connivingly whilst his autumn coloured hair shines, his mighty façade quickly fades as the demon goes face to face with the now cowering emperor.

"Break the deal and you'll die in shame and agony. You'll head down paths you could avoid and make choices that will end in your demise. If you want a future in a world of your making, then you'd be wise to keep to your word. Deals with the devil are never as simple as you mortals think." the emperor sinks down as he glances away, his icy blue eyes narrow as he feels dread strip travel through him, "You'll hold no power in hell. See you soon."

And with that he disappears, leaving Ferox in a boiling pot of anger. He quickly gets up, swiping the chess pieces across the floor in a wave of frustration.

"That bloody demon doesn't know who he's messing with." He mutters through his gritting teeth, "Nether the less, the prize is worth a few more years of hell blaze. I have and will always have the upper hand."

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