Chapter 59

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Freya's POV:

With my magical compass in one hand I wait for the pointer to land in the correct direction. Pointing north-east I place it back in my pocket and carry on the path.

The kid passed out a while ago, as long as I can hear him breath I'm happy to carry on. We're in a patch of forest with coniferous trees, their leaves are turning red with some already on the floor. It's a lovely time of year and I've always tried to sit outside and have some leaves fall on my head. Though there's no time for that now.

Trotting along I feel a shift on my back, looking to my side I see his eyes start to flicker.

"Good morning sleepy head." I joke as he looks around.

"Morning..." he mutters, "What's happened?"

"Nothing much, passed a few foxes and cold campfires."

"Cool..." he mumble, sounds like he's drifting off again... I should let him rest, but I'm curious and have too many questions to possibly have unanswered.

"So kid-"

"I'm not a kid." He glares at me, the bags under his eyes are worse.

"Okay- then what's your name?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath and thinks about it, "Markus."

"Nice to meet you Markus." I respond, eyes locked on the path, last thing I want is to trip over and have him fall.

It's silence again as I continue down the safe road, it'd be good if he fell asleep again, but based on his breathing it's unlikely he'll pass out until his body forces him to.

"How come you..." he starts, struggling to get the breath out, "went near the Empire? Elves are... being collected..."

I scoff, "Yeah, if that bastard or any of his puppets plan on taking me they've gotta catch me first. If they want to make a trophy collection like the fucking Eastern palace they've got another thing coming." I might've said that a bit too angrily but after a deep breath I calm down and carry on.

"Sorry..." he half-whispers.

"Don't worry about it."

He... laughs? Chuckles? I dunno but he's coughing before speaking again, "Good thing I'm no longer with them..." he seems sad with that statement.

"I know someone shot at you but... do you know why?" I ask.

"I..." I can feel his breathing fasten, "I don't know? Maybe it's because I let the thief go? I don't know- I don't-" he stops as a raspy cough rings in my ear. As soon as it stops I can feel a small panic start to rise in his breathing.

"So how old are you?" Hopefully that takes his mind off it, "I've always found it hard to distinguish ages of humans."

"Eleven." He mutters, god he is a kid- I thought he would've been at least in his teen years. What the fuck?! I knew the Empire was low but not this low! Those bastards, honest to god if I see them they're-

I stop.

"Huh? What's-"

"Shh." I whisper, someone's here.

The air is different, it's denser than a forest should be and there's mixes of a pungent odor of men and smoke coming from everywhere. There's a rustle of leaves and branches, nothing snaps, nothing crunches but it's the sound of careful footsteps that are avoiding noise like a disease. Are they here for an ambush? Of course they are, why else would they be hiding? But where would they attack from first... I can't pin point any areas...

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