Chapter 46

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Third Person POV:

The empire is never quiet, but throughout the past week it's grown restless as the captured traitors still live within the dingy cells. Day by day, small crowds slowly gather by the steps of the mantel piece that dwarfs the rest of the empire. Every time, the guards quietly disperse them and the day carries on peacefully.

Somewhere within the safe walls, two guards hide away in the lower hallways. Pacing back and fourth, the first guard debates their choices whilst the younger one watches them. Resting against the wall, he wonders the best way of approaching the situation, choosing to channel his fear into his foot.

"Why do we have to do it?" The first one questions, stopping in place.

"We're the newbies, the ones they can afford to be shot." The other comments, everyone knows and accepts this when joining.

"But this is important, surely an important person should deliver it."

"That's exactly why we're doing it. It means a lot to him so he won't take it lightly. The worse his reaction, the higher the chance of being 'sacked'."

"That doesn't help-"

"I know I know." Now off the wall, he slings his arm across their shaking body, "maybe it'll be okay. After all, it's not our fault the execution stage got ambushed. At any rate, it's the ones carrying it who'll get punished. I mean, how can a couple of strong guards get easily defeated by a single woman. Sure she might've been tall but she had no gear on!" He smile at him.

"Yeah... still, people will shoot the messenger." They mumble, optimism being a rare trait.

Sighing, he lets go and start to trot down the hall, "I'm sure the Emperor will be kind and caring to us." He claims with heavy sarcasm.

"You're not helping!" They yell as they run after him.

Slowly, their footsteps fade away. Waiting in tension, Markus nearly lets out a large sigh of relief. It almost felt like a wish come true, even if he denies it. Peeking round the corner, he hides a med kit he 'borrowed' from home. Confident that the space is clear, he quietly walks along the hallway, constantly checking his surroundings as he reaches the descending stairs.

Step by step he feels a heavy weight rest in his stomach, every second his nervousness increases, it's a horrible idea to sneak around this early in the day.
Stepping down to the rough ground, Markus looks left to see mostly empty cells, the two in the middle contain the only signs of life down there. Approaching, he grabs Mia's attention. She's watching over Grayson who lays weak on the ground, his face is a pale bright red as his breathing is shallow.

"I..." he whispers, pulling out the first aid kit, "I've got it. Sorry it took so long."

Her face lights up as she happily takes the kit. Opening it up, she finds the bandages, plasters and a small disinfectant bottle. She slowly wakes Grayson as Markus debates on his next move. Should he stay or should he go? It's the middle of the day and anyone could come down at any second. If the execution has been delayed, he'll have more time to see them... he can come back again, as long as he isn't spotted.

Turning to leave, he takes a couple steps.

"Markus?" A weak voice calls out behind him. Grayson is slowly propping himself up.

The boy turns around and waits.

"What day is it?" He asks, slightly wincing as he removes the rubbish bandages.

Taken aback he thinks for a second. He's also lost track of time. He counts on his fingers, "The 10th of October."

Suddenly coughing, Grayson nearly misplaced the plaster and after refusing Mia's help. He turns to Markus, "Could you come back on the 12th? Even if I've got nothing I still want to celebrate your birthday." He smiles weakly, carefully placing the plaster with his shaking hands.

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