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A ray of sunshine hit me as the clouds parted their ways, I felt a tingling sensation on my left shoulder as I turned around carelessly and was greeted by a beautiful green butterfly which Changed it's colour to blue and to green constantly as it dances around the room. "Y/n!!" I heard my mom calling...."Coming!!!" I shouted back as I stared at the butterfly wondering how it got here..."Y/n! Your dad's calling you downstairs!!" Mom said as she barged into my room. "Mom! Look at this beautiful butterfly!!" I said as I pointed up..."Where? Butterfly?" she asked as she stared at the empty space which my hand pointed out. "Huh? But I just saw it now!" I said as I looked around to find it...."There's no time for this silly butterfly Y/n! Your dad wants you down right now!" she said as she dragged me away with her.

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"NO!! I've already rejected your request!" I said in annoyance. "I am your dad Y/n!! Listen to me!!!" He yelled. "No!! I've never considered you has my Dad...you were just a mere human who had always forced me!" I said not realising the weight of these words...."Now both of you stop!" Mom yelled as she stood there with a frown on her face . "You have to attend the press conference before the party where we are going to show your painting for the first time!!! You are going to attend both of it!!! No excuses!!" he said as he left the room closing the door with a loud bang.

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I flashed a smile to my mom who was looking worried standing beside me, "Y/n, I know it's hard for you but you have to do this for us, for our family...now go rock this!!" she said trying to cheer me up but nothing worked. The hairstylist left the room as the make-up artist came in to do my make-up. "Mom...can you continue the story that you told me yesterday?" I asked her so that it could change my mind. "Sure!" mom answered with a smile as she begins.

"When the queen said that this unwelcomed baby should be the owner of the throne...the whole kingdom was against it not to mention the King and the Prince they were angry on the new born baby as well. The baby grew up to be young handsome prince and on the day of his coronation the king died....the people started to assume that the new unwelcomed-king murdered his own Father.....the prince who was filled with Jealousy to see his little brother on the thrown started to cause problems in the country...he acted as a spy...he traded many illegal things...he created false rumours....one mistake to another which led to him being kicked out from the kingdom...." she said as I stopped her and continued the rest of it.

"".....then the king was left alone in this world with darkness some say he had magic powers, some say he was a very handsome king and some say he was very strong that he could even fight alone the darkness by himself.....after the toughest battle between him and the darkness....the world regained it's peace and beauty..." I said the other part which was very familiar to me. "Right!" Mom said as she caressed my hands. "Mom...why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked as I took my hand away from her. "I was waiting for the right time she said as she giggled.

"But how come did he learn the art of painting and magic?" I asked as all the sadness was washed from my face and was replaced by curiosity.

"The king was thrown in a cell when he was five, the only thing he can do there was painting...his grandmother was very fond of him so she came by everyday and gave him the supplies...It became an escape from the reality for him." she said as my make-up was done.

"You look stunning! Now let's go!" Mom said as she took me by my hand and headed out.

The flickering flash lights, the constantly recording cameras, the curiosity on the faces of the reporters made the air tense up. Mom held my hand one last time before letting go. "Y/n~ Don't be nervous!" Mom said as she pushed me forward to the  centre of the stage. The reporters started preparing their questions but stopped when they saw me. Oh shit! Here we go~

"Y/n!...Miss Y/n!" They all started to murmur between themselves and stopped when a reporter came forward to ask me a question. "Tell me about your painting Miss Y/n.." she said. This is not bad! I gave her a small smile and Answered "I've been working on this painting for a week and it holds a special place in my heart, this painting is the result for the struggles I've been through and-" another reporter cut me off and started asking me another question. How rude...

"Where did you get your inspiration from?" the reporter asked. "I am not sure...I was just-" and again!. Another reporter pushed the others from her way  as she speaks "Y/n what about the-" before she could finish her question another group of reporters barged in. "What about the rumours?" , "Are you really adopted?", "Did you paint it yourself...I don't think so?". Everyone brought up the topic that I didn't want to listen any longer....The questions were getting out of control....I looked over to my mom who had a worried expression, this time I have to stand up for myself!. "CAN Y'ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I yelled as it becomes dead silent before they started again. "See! She didn't change a bit" , "She thinks she's a princess but she's just an adopted heir of Park's family" they all started to talk among themselves.

I left the stage and before I could leave the room dad grabbed my hand and slapped me. "You deserve it!" he said as the others gasped in shock. "See! I really think I am adopted now!" I yelled as I ran from there. I can here all of them murmuring to one another.

I opened the door to my room and entered it, tears? No I can't cry now...I am not going to cry for anything from now on....This is a promise to myself I won't let this world break me again! As I tried to replace my sadness with hatred...a bright blue and green ray of light were flying in the darkness there were so many of it and before I could switch on the lights they all disappeared leaving only one behind. It was the same butterfly I saw today morning. I slowly crept behind it....and watched it flying through my.....wait! Through my painting??!

Now the room was completely filled with darkness except the painting which was still visible, I hesitantly went near it and pushed my fingers slightly into it as it swallows my whole body....

𝘛𝘖 𝘔𝘠 𝘉𝘌𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌𝘋 𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎🥀《JJK》Where stories live. Discover now