Chapter 41

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Also, if you know anyone interested in these kinds of stories, feel free to recommend ABTA! I always love me a new reader.


"Here you go, spray some of this on your arms and legs," Allen said, handing me a spray bottle from the glove compartment. I read the label. 2-in-1 mosquito repellent and sunscreen.

I gestured with the bottle in my hand. "Why?"

He chuckled. "Because we're going for a walk in a forest, the sun is shining, and there are mosquitos in forests, Love- and you're allergic,"

I narrowed my eyes. "How did you know that?"

He cleared his throat. "Well, you spent quite a bit of time in the hospital when we just met, and I went to get most of your food, so I just asked the doctor if there were any allergies mentioned in your chart, so I wouldn't end up sending you into anaphylactic shock, and he said, and I quote; 'she's only allergic to mosquito bites. I asked him what that would mean, as basically everyone is allergic to mosquitos, and he said, that when you get bitten, it doesn't just itch, but burn, and since I don't want that: Mosquito repellent,"

I crossed my arms, my eyes still narrow. "Alright, that is... an acceptable explanation. but you're on thin fucking ice," I warned him, spraying some of the repellent onto my legs and smearing it around

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked, sitting up straight again.

He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. "It's just a small walking trail, leads to a really nice little meadow-ish thing- an open space. There's a little water creek nearby as well,"

"How come you don't turn into a wolf... more often? I mean, your yard is... massive,"

He stopped at a red light. "Yeah, but... we... wolves. All of us like more natural nature, and a bigass lawn just won't do it, and also... I like... smelling things," his cheek turned reddish. He's hot, polite, adorable, and without a doubt great in bed- what'd I ever do to deserve him?

"Let me guess- you take a leak on the trees too?"

He shrugged. "Well, I definitely won't when you're there," he let out a dry laugh.

I scrunched my nose. Alright, maybe not that polite again.

He held his hands out, and with a smile, I laid mine in it, our fingers tangling. Deep breath. "I love you, Allen,"

He squeezed my hand, nuzzling me with his thumb. "I love you more,"

Warmth spread in my chest, the tingly soft feeling spreading throughout my entire body. My heart slowed down just a little, calmness enveloping me at the feeling of Allen's hand around mine. It felt so... familiar. Safe.

Never, in a thousand years when I first met Allen, could I have imagined feeling so safe and calm in his presence. Sleeping better when he was next to me than when he wasn't... holding his hands for the sheer comfort of it.

Character development, I guess.

We drove for another 15 minutes, the air only filled with the sound of the radio playing a song I knew the tune, but not the name of. We kept holding hands until we got there, and when we did, he parked in a small gravel lot, mostly surrounded by trees. He gestured for me to follow him out of the car.

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