Chapter 64

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Double update. And this chapter has smut - with toys

Be grateful. 

Oh, and Happy New Year!


It wasn't difficult to spot Allen's family once I got to the park. They took up 3 large picnic tables, after all.

The park and city square had been taken up by a Christmas carnival. A carousel, ferris wheel, bumper cars, and various games, all with christmas motifs, prices and themes, naturally.

The smiling faces of Allen's family members made sweat develop in my neck, and the anonymous white back in my hands burn my palms. What if they somehow recognized the entirely anonymous white plastic bag? What if it ripped somehow, and all the sextoys and lingerie fell to the ground?

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and went to sit beside Allen. He'd saved me a seat- because of course he had.

He furrowed his brows as soon as I sat. "Are you alright?"

I couldn't even look him in the eye. "Fine."

"You sure? Something in the matter? Your cheeks are looking a little red."

I looked at my hands, and the worn wood of the tables. They were old, had been used for a long time. I couldn't help smiling at a heart cut into the wood, words in the center. Christina x Mabel / 1982

A soft kiss tickled my temple. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I looked at him, forcing my eyes to meet his. "Yes, just... tired. Lots of walking, lots of shopping, lots of socializing. And thinking, lots of thinking about what presents to get for who and why and how many and... yeah, lots of things."

"Hey, Paige, did you find the chocolate store? You were gone a while." Lila asked from a little further down the table.

It felt like needles were poking into my brain. "Oh, it took a while cuz... I walked up and down the street looking for it. I ended up asking someone in another store, and it turns out the chocolate place closed down. Owner died. So yeah, I looked for it for a while. In vain, obviously." As close to the truth as what I could ever admit to anyone without outright dropping dead from embarrassment.

Her face fell. "It closed? Oh damn it. That sucks. It was a great place. They made these hot chocolate bombs. Fuck." She shook her head. "You don't visit a place for 10 months, and everything goes to shit."

I laughed awkwardly, and Allen placed his hand on my lower back. "You sure you're alright?"

"Yes, Allen. I'm alright. Just getting tired. And hungry. And, yeah," I looked around on all the people surrounding him. I couldn't make myself say that his family was overwhelming (it would be quite stupid, considering everyone has werewolf hearing), but they really, really were. Not that they weren't nice, there was just a lot of them.

He rubbed the back of my neck. "We'll head home soon, okay? But first- will you go on the ferris wheel with me? Please say yes."

I stared up at the monster of metal, the wheel of doom reaching far into the sky, only held together by metal bolts and prayer. It was probably older than the table I was sitting at. I turned back to Allen with an overly large smile. "No thanks, I choose life."

"Oh come on! Please! For me?" he stared at me, the big brown eyes warming and softening.

"Allen, it's a deathtrap."

"Is not."

"Is too."

He dragged me. Or, nearly. He forced me at least- andI followed, because he threatened that he'd pick me up, and carry me over to the line, and place me into the ferris wheel. In front of everyone. So, reluctantly I got up from my seat and let his steady hand on mine lead me towards the harbinger of death. A harbinger of death that played Christmas music.

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