Chapter 49

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Enjoy the chapter!


I took a seat at the table along with Ember, Cameron and Dylan. Dylan was sulking, as he'd been doing for the past few days. Both Ember and Cameron were on their phones. I looked at Dylan again. "You look miserable. Or, more miserable than usual at least,"

He sighed, rubbing his temple. "I'm in the doghouse- ironically enough, considering I'm the human in our relationship. Blair is making me sleep on the couch,"

"How come?"

He sighed, unlocking his phone, scrolling through it for a few seconds before showing me a black and white picture. A sonogram as I realized. "Blair wants to get new wheels for her wheelchair, with this on the sides. So I asked her, as a joke, if she really wanted our unborn child spinning around in circles, driving through god knows what on the street, and she has barely looked at me since- it was a joke,"

I raised an eyebrow. "First off; never speak against the pregnant wifey, that's a big nono, second off; let the lady decorate her wheelchair how she wants. Third;... she uses a wheelchair?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes. She can walk around the house, obviously, but she has a stair lift, and she can't stand up or walk for extended periods of time. She's in the chair most of the time. Right now she's got flowers on the wheels,"

I sat back in my chair. "How didn't I know that?"

"Well, my girlfriend's mobility issues aren't really any of anyone but her business, so," he chuckled.

"Right," I nodded. "Sorry,"

He shrugged.

Ember spoke up then. "Do y'all know what you're having yet? Boy? Girl? Dinosaur?"

"I vote dragon," Cameron commented.

Dylan sent both of them a deadpan stare. "We are not having a dragon. We don't know what we're having yet. Blair doesn't want to know until after the birth, but the doctor is telling me- I'm officially in charge in making the nursery,"

Cameron snorted. "Because the genitals of your unborn child should certainly determine the color of the walls, makes sense... cisgenders," they faked a shudder, laughing.

He rolled his eyes. "Listen, if our kid decides that they wanna be called ze/zir when they're older, we'll support that. But until then, I doubt that anyone has died from having a pink or blue stuffed animal,"

"PiNk or BluE sTUfFeD anImAL," Cameron mocked back in a high pitch, looking back at their phone. Me, Dylan, and Ember all laughed.

I looked at Dylan. "Any hopes?"

He shrugged. "I mean, a lil girl like Blair? It'd be adorable, but then, I'd probably never leave the house, since I'd want to be home with her everyday. But then again, Blair probably wouldn't mind me being a stay-at-home dad,"

"What does she even do? Like for work?"

"She's a private contractor. She did ridiculously well in high school, and got through college quick. She specializes in accessible and environmentally friendly living, as well as incorporating nature into her projects, rather than working against it," he smiled, pride lighting up his face.

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