Chapter 27

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^That right there is Joseph, Kya, and Jamar- yes, that's sims, but I couldn't find any pictures that looked like how I imagined them.

And like the last few chapters... not very good and badly edited


"You seem a little anxious, Love- why?" Allen gently placed his hands on my shoulders, his fingers beginning to work out the tightness I'd built up. I relaxed immediately.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just... you know, your family was kinda forced to like me, your beta isn't,"

Allen smiled, meeting my eyes in the mirror in front of us. "First off- if he didn't, he could be very easily replaced, and also- he's my best friend. He's been since he was born- he's like my brother. He's very happy for me," a soft smile made its way onto his face.

I sucked in a breath. "Right," my head whipped around when I heard an energetic knock on the door. Oh shit, oh shit.

Allen placed a quick kiss to my cheek. "Easy- they'll love you," he let his right hand slide down from my shoulder, down to my hand, holding it and then gently leading me out to the foyer.

The energetic knocking kept on as we walked, and as soon as we stepped into the foyer, the door was thrown open, an unruly main of coffee-black afro dreads shooting towards us. "Uncle Al!!" the little boy, probably four or five years old, ran straight into Allen's arms- he grabbed him from the floor and lifted him over his head, the little boy squealing with happiness as he did. I couldn't help smiling.

Allen carefully sunk down his arms placing the boy on the ground, ruffling his hair. "Hey there, bud. Where's your dad?"

As if on cue, two people became visible through the crack between the open doors- one walking behind the other... seemingly supporting them as they walked up the few steps leading to the front door. "Get your hands off me! I'm pregnant- not disabled. If you touch me one more time, I promise you, when this thing comes out-" a beautiful and very much pregnant woman came into view, pointing a menacing finger at her round stomach, her onyx eyes narrowing at the man behind her.

"I'll squeeze your hand so bad they'll have to amputate it," she growled, ripping her arm out of his hold. Her soft curls, same color as the little boy's, bounced as she marched away from her husband- it looked a little comical, given her ... condition.

Allen grinned beside me. "Kya, you look beautiful as always- how are you? How's the baby?" he wrapped his arms softly around her shoulder, quickly taking a step back and giving her her space.

She rolled her eyes, pursing her full, deep golden brown lips."I feel like... yeah well, you know, and I'm quite sure she's having a party- one thing for sure, she's dancing hip-hop on my bladder," she ran her hand over her stomach, pulling her t-shirt a bit further down as she did- it had crept up just a little.

Allen chuckled. "Well, you know where the bathroom is... Josh." he opened his arms, pulling the man, just a few inches shorter than himself, in for a hug, the two clapping each other's backs, in that.. manly guy dude way.

The man pulled away, a wide smile on his face- his shiny white teeth standing in almost comical contrast to his dark skin. He was attractive, no doubt, but not... my type. "Hey there, long time no see... and now I see why," his smile widened as he held out his hand for me to take. I did, and he gave my hand a quick, firm squeeze, before letting go. "Hello, Paige, I'm Joseph. This is my wonderful wife Kya-" he gestured towards his wife.

"Shut up,"

Beta Joshua's smile didn't fade even the slightest- it actually seemed like he was having a great time being shut up by his wife. "Correction- my wonderful, but moody wife Kya, and our son..." he looked around himself, his brows furrowed, a flash of worry running over his face. "Where the hell...? JAMAR?!"

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