Chapter 42

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Short chapter. At least, shorter than some of the others. I have no excuse other than I couldn't come up with anything more to write.


I kept staring at my phone on the table in front of me.

A pair of warm arms wrapped around me from behind, and I felt a kiss on my cheek. "Dinner is in 30 minutes, when the chicken is finished- are you alright?" Allen asked softly. I took a deep breath.

"I promised my mom to call him, I'm just.. a little worried, I guess. What if he's mad at me? What if he starts yelling? My mom said he was acting like my uncle just before... I mean, what if I hang up and he goes straight out and drinks antifreeze? Or hangs himself?" No no no. I can't live with that.

My head was tugged back, my eyes meeting Allen's. "Love, your father is just struggling to deal with the change. That's okay. We all feel like that sometimes- you of all people would know that. But, if you are truly so concerned, I... can have him emitted?"

I choked on my spit. "What?"

He shrugged. "If you're concerned that he's a suicide risk, I can have him emitted in a psychiatric hospital that can make sure that doesn't happen, and gives him the tools to deal with the emotions he is clearly struggling with,"

I shook my head, "No... no. Not at the moment, anyways. But thank you for the offer, Allen, that was very sweet... but I better call him..." I sighed and hunched over again.

With shaking hands, I picked up my phone from the table, opening up the contacts. Keep calm, Paige. He's gonna be fine. You'll be fine. We'll both be just fine.

Allen left the room, leaving me alone with the phone. We'll both be just fine, I reminded myself.

I pressed the contact labeled 'Papa' along with a green heart, my own heart thundering as I listened, waiting for him to pick up. What if he doesn't? I'm not even sure if that's better or worse than having to have this talk.

And then, my heart stopped, as I heard the sound of a very annoyed "Hello?"

I cleared my throat. "Oh, uh, hi there, papa... I uh-"

"What do you want Paige? I just got off work and I'm really tired."

Pain rushed through every fiber of my body. He'd never dismissed me like that before. Not even when I was a stupid toddler telling him things he already knew. "Dad, could you please not talk to me like that? I get that you're frustrated, but that doesn't mean that you get to snap at me. I haven't done anything wrong."

"You don't consider spreading your legs for the creatures that murdered my brother 'anything wrong'?"

I bit my lip, pain zinging through me once again. "Dad, it's... not like that. If you'd..." I took a deep breath. "If you had been willing to at least try to be civil around Allen, you'd maybe had the chance to realize that he's... he's sweet, dad. He's kind, and he loves me. He treats me with so much respect, and you guys too, despite the fact that we've all been a bunch of assholes to him,"

He sighed through the phone, staying silent for a moment. "They killed my brother, Paige,"

Calm down, Paige. I couldn't help but find myself surprised. I'd figured my dad would be the one to snap, but here I was trying to keep myself to track down my dickhead father and beat some sense into him personally.

"They didn't, dad. It's not Allen's fault. It isn't his fault. No one is to blame for this. Allen is kind and loving, he treats me better than any human man ever would. A whole lot better than you're treating mom at least- locking yourself in the spare bedroom, not talking to her," If he was in front of me I'd punch him.

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