My kidnapper

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My eyes slowly began to open and I realised I wasn't in my bed.

What the hell.

Gradually, I began to remember what had happened as my mind became more awake and alert.

Oh. my. god. I was kidnapped!

Trying not to panic, I started to look around the room attempting to get a better hold on my surroundings. It looked like I was in some sort of hotel room.

"Oh great, you're up."

I stiffened at the sound of my kidnapper's voice. I hadn't even realised there was someone in the room with me. Carefully, I turned towards him to get a better look. He was sitting right next to the bed I was on staring at me intently. I tried to push myself up so I was sitting but soon realised my head hurt like hell when I tried to move.

"Oh no no no, sweetheart, don't move. You are probably still recovering from the chloroform but don't worry, the headache will pass." he said smiling at me. I did not like that smile.

So it was chloroform then, I was right.

"where am I" I cautiously asked hoping to get some answers as to why the hell this psycho just kidnapped me and brought me god knows where.

"Oh it's just some random hotel, you don't need to worry about that we will be leaving soon." He said waving his hands like it was nothing.

What does he mean we will be leaving soon and why is he acting like this is no big deal?

Trying to process this I realised my headache was fading so I tried to push myself up again and this time he didn't stop me. Feeling slightly uncomfortable that he was still staring at me I decided to ask more questions

"why did you bring me here, I haven't done anything to you I don't deserve this."

He chuckled before responding

"Well because I love you of course, Skylar."

My mind was all over the place. This didn't make any sense whatsoever.

How the hell does he know my name? And how can he possibly love me, he has never even met me! Am I dreaming or going mad?

He must have noticed me beginning to panic because he suddenly leaned closer resting his hand on my leg. I froze.

"Hey, calm down, you're safe here, I'm not going to hurt you, trust me."

He is really expecting me to trust him after he just kidnapped me and is keeping me here against my will!

Looking around I realised there was only one exit and to get there I would have to get past the man, so I decided playing along would be my best bet.

"How do you know my name" I asked trying to calm myself down. Panicking or freaking out would get me nowhere.

"I know a lot of things about you, Skylar, for example I know your favourite colour is blue, you hate mushrooms and your birthday is the 4th of November."

Oh my god. This man is crazy. How on Earth does he know all that stuff. This is not good.

"How do you know all that stuff though?" I replied, trying not to let the fear show in my voice. I couldn't look weak because he would take advantage of that.

"Well i've been watching you for a long time, not in a creepy way of course."

How can you watch someone without them knowing in a non creepy way?

I smiled and nodded hoping that would hide the fact that I was absolutely terrified.

"What's your name, then" I questioned, deciding that if I was going to be stuck here I might as well know his name.


Lucifer, like the devil, well that's ironic.

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