Waking up

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Something felt wrong. My head was pounding as I slowly sat up and squinted. I hadn't realised before but there was a huge balcony in the room and the curtains were left open causing the sun to come streaming in. It was as my eyes began adjusting to the light that I noticed the bed move next to me.

"Morning, sweetheart. How was your sleep?"

As I finally became aware of my surroundings, I slowly turned to look at Lucifer laying in bed next to me.

What the hell? When did he move there?

Trying my hardest not to panic, I responded calmly "my sleep was fine, how was yours?"

I hated making this small talk with him. I could not have cared less how his sleep was but it was way too early in the day to start an argument.

"I slept amazing since I was next to you, thank you for asking." He said, a smug smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Every ounce of my being wanted to push his hands off me but, as much as I hated it, I focused on ignoring it to avoid triggering him. It eventually started to become harder to prevent my body reacting to his touch in a way he wouldn't like so I decided to stretch my arms out and rub my eyes so I just seemed sleepy instead of uncomfortable. At least that saved me from me having to look at his face for a few seconds. When I eventually opened my eyes again Lucifer had finally let go of my waist and was now staring at me.


Ignoring the creepy stare, I looked towards the clock on the bedside cabinet and it read 7:36.

Damn, that's early.

"Are  you hungry sweetheart? I was thinking, if you behave of course, maybe we could go down for breakfast together if u would like that?" Lucifer asked while slowly getting out of bed.

I stayed quiet for a few seconds to process what he was asking.

He was actually going to take me to a public restaurant? Either he was just stupid or there was a catch somewhere.

"I would love that." I responded, carefully. I couldn't show too much enthusiasm in case it sounded like I desperately wanted to get away. That was, of course, exactly what I wanted, but I was doing my best to ensure he didn't pick up on that.

"Great! I laid out some clothes for u on my bed last night, you change into those and I'll get ready in the bathroom, okay?" He replied, beaming excitedly.

I agreed and began to adjust my position so I was ready to get up. Although my leg was almost fully healed, it was still a struggle sometimes to move it to different positions, especially in the morning after it had gone numb overnight. I cautiously turned my body and allowed my legs to follow until  I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

I stayed on the edge of the bed for a minute until I saw Lucifer grab some clothes and make his way into the bathroom. I then pushed myself up and made my way over to what was meant to be Lucifer's bed to see what he had chosen for me to wear. My ongoing dread eased a little as I sighed when I realised it was just a plain blue T shirt and some shorts that went down to my knees. I quickly put it on and then waited for Lucifer to come out of the bathroom, just like I did that very first day I saw him.

As much as I tried to stop it, my mind drifted back to when this all started. The girl he kidnapped was strong and determined to get back home. She would have been crushed if she knew she would still be here months later. As I began to reminisce further on what it had been like before Lucifer I realised that girl was gone. Even on the off chance I managed to get out and be free I would always be haunted by what he had put me through. I closed my eyes and tried to shake those ideas from my head. I refused to lose hope yet so I tried to distract myself. I allowed my thoughts to instead drift to Noelle. It crossed my mind that she might never know what happened to me or if I was even still alive. I hated the idea of everyone I loved living in that state of unknowing. If nothing else, I told my self for her sake, and my family's sake, I would keep fighting and keep hoping. As much as I felt like getting away was impossible, I could not let Lucifer win, not when there was so many people in my life worth fighting for.

I was abruptly snapped out of my thoughts as the bathroom door opened and Lucifer stepped out wearing a checkered shirt and shorts.

"Oh good, you're ready too!" He exclaimed "the bathroom is free now so feel free to brush and then I think we can leave"

I smiled at him sweetly before rushing into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I brushed my teeth as slowly as possible, trying to make the most of every second I had to myself. Once I was done I wasted even more time thoroughly washing the toothbrush but there was really no point in stalling. Eventually I had to go back out and face Lucifer and no matter how much time I took to prepare it was never going to be enough. I put on the most convincing smile I could and opened the door to find Lucifer smiling at me.

"Ok, I'm ready"

Here we go.


Ok so, I am so sorry it has definitely been a while😅. I don't know why it took me so long to come back and update but I had been really busy with my A levels and then Wattpad offloaded on my phone so I kinda forgot it existed, oops. I came back to it now bc I couldn't sleep but also my A levels are going to be over in a few months so hopefully after that I should have enough time to write more.

Thank you to everyone who stayed, it was rlly nice to read all the new comments when I eventually did come back to this😂

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