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Making sure to keep an eye on Lucifer, I cautiously got up out of bed as quietly as possible. He didn't even flinch which I took as a good sign. I then carefully crept towards the door hoping that this time my luck would last long enough to get me there. I knew I was taking a massive risk here because if he caught me I would be done for, but at the same time I couldn't last much longer pretending to be happy and letting him treat me like his pet.

I was halfway to the door when it hit me.

Lucifer wasn't snoring.

I turned around and he still seemed to be fast asleep, but  he always snored when he was actually asleep.

Was this a trap?

Panicked, I had to think fast and quickly went to the bathroom instead of the door. If I was right, it would just look like I needed the toilet, if I was wrong, I could have just wasted one of my only opportunities to escape. I slowly sank to the floor as I felt my breathing quicken. I could have risked being wrong, but I also couldn't afford to walk right into a trap.

It must be a trap, Lucifer never forgets to drug me before bed, he wouldn't suddenly forget now.

Sure enough, less than a minute after I entered the bathroom I heard someone get up and start walking around.

"Skylar?" He called, I assumed as he got to my bed and realised I wasn't there.

"Skylar, where are you" he called again, sounding slightly annoyed this time

I hastily got up and opened the bathroom door before he got even more annoyed breathing a sigh of relief that I didn't actually try to escape.

That could have been so much worse.

"I'm here, sorry I needed the toilet and I thought you were asleep so I didn't wanna wake you." I responded, slowly emerging from the bathroom door.

I turned to look at him and my whole body tensed up as I noticed the cold gaze he was giving me, and his hands clenched at his sides. To say he looked angry would be an understatement. I lowered my eyes to the floor and just froze. My legs were shaking causing my bad leg to throb but I couldn't get myself to move. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him so I just stood there trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. I was terrified of what this man could do and was beginning to regret even leaving the bed.

Suddenly, I realised he was advancing towards me and I braced myself, preparing for the worst. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe and I could feel my pulse racing but I still stayed there unable to move. He reached out and grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him and I realised his demeanour had completely changed. He was staring at me almost sympathetically, while gently stroking my cheek. I looked back at him confused with tears still in my eyes.

"Sweetheart," he began, speaking softly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought you had tried to run away again and I panicked." He continued while wiping a tear that had just fallen with his thumb.

I still couldn't get any words out so I just stared at him. I felt my breathing gradually slow down again as I realised he wasn't going to hurt me yet and I managed to smile in relief.

"Let's get back to bed then and I'll go get you a glass of water ok?" He said before turning around and starting to guide me back towards the bed.

I eventually gained control of my legs again and went to follow Lucifer, however, I realised too late my wounded leg had weakened from me standing on it for so long and I stumbled. Lucifer was quick to catch me and I once again felt helpless as he then decided it would be easier if he carried me back to bed.

I lay in bed still feeling really shaky from what had just happened and waited for Lucifer to come back with the water that he would have probably been drugged to 'help' me sleep. I dreaded to think of what might have happened if I hadn't realised it was a trap in time but judging from the anger on his face I knew it wouldn't have been good. Every single time I thought I had gotten close to escaping something like this would happen and I was so close to giving up. It was seeming impossible to get out by myself but there was no one else around to help me. I felt so truly and utterly trapped and I couldn't see a way out anymore.

Lucifer came back after a few minutes with the water and I took it smiling at him. He stayed by the bed until I finished the water and then he took the glass and left again to put it away. I was so exhausted I didn't even fight the drugs this time because there was no point. I turned over and let my eyes shut, taking me away temporarily from the absolute hell I was living in. By the time Lucifer came back I was long gone, I didn't even notice him crawl into bed with me before turning the light off.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
My mum came in halfway through to shout at me bc my room was messy, but that actually helped me write fear rlly well😂

Anyways let me know what u think in the comments and don't forget to vote if ur enjoying it so far👍

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