Big news

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2 weeks had passed since that first panic attack and not much had changed. I'd had more panic attacks after that almost every other day. They usually started with a random flash back, then my breathing got heavier, and then the memory of being shot just played over and over in my head and I couldn't think of anything else. I had gotten better at dealing with them though, I could sense when one is coming and try focus on my breathing before it got too bad. Lucifer still tried to help if he noticed but it usually made it worse because seeing him brought back more memories of being locked in that basement and I would start to panic more.

Nothing serious had actually happened since I had gotten locked in the basement and I was grateful for that, but I was also on edge because I knew it was only a matter of time before I said the wrong thing or something just went wrong. Lucifer still made me sit with him in the evenings and watch something which usually involved cuddling which was awful because I had to fight my own instincts telling me to get away from him. The worst part was I knew that at some point he would want more and I didn't know if I could deal with that, it was already too much as it was.

I hopped over to the sofa using my crutches and turned on the tv. I had about 3 hours till Lucifer came back and I was going to make the most of it by watching my favourite show. I tried to enjoy it but I hadn't really been able to enjoy anything since I was kidnapped. I couldn't even remember the last time I genuinely laughed or felt happy. It was getting harder and harder just to keep going, but I refused to give up. I had to keep going for my family and everyone back home, especially Noelle. She was my main reason to not give up, I couldn't live with the fact that I would never see her again so I had to believe that I would make it out.

I was almost falling asleep when I heard the front door open

Here we go again

Lucifer called my name as he always did before heading straight to the living room where he knew I would be. I sighed and carefully moved position so he could sit next to me.

"Hey sweetheart" he said as he sat in the space I'd just made for him.

I smiled at him waiting for him to put something on so I wouldn't have to talk to him anymore.

He then wrapped his arm around me pulling me as close as possible to him. My whole body tensed up. I tried to relax it but all I could think about was how uncomfortable I was. I think he must have noticed this because he then looked at me concerned.

"Hey are you okay? It's only me there's nothing to be worried about."

I smiled at him again and nodded telling him I was just cold. Thankfully, that worked and he got up to get a blanket for me.

We then watched a random movie he decided to put on and I wrapped myself up in the blanket so I didn't have to feel him holding me close. After about half an hour or so he got up to go make dinner as he usually did and I got a few moments to myself.

I needed to escape so badly but my leg made it impossible and Lucifer knew that, that's probably why he was giving me some sort of freedom when he went to work. It was starting to get better though, which Lucifer was also noticing as he checked up on it every evening, and I didn't know how I felt about that. On one hand it would be easier to escape but I still didn't have a clue how I was going to do that. I had no clue where we were so even if I got out where would I go. I was also scared that when it was practically healed, which wouldn't be more than a week or so I guessed, would he make some more changes so I couldn't escape? Or would he even take advantage of it and want to do more than just cuddle. I shivered at that thought.

Lucifer came about 20 minutes later carrying 2 plates of shepherds pie. I took mine saying a quick thank you and began eating. I ate quickly as I usually do because soon after eating I was able to fake being tired and go to sleep which was my only way of getting away from being forced to be in the same house as a monster.

I was halfway through eating my food when Lucifer suddenly turned to me and gently grabbed my hands.

Ok that's not good, what on Earth was he planning now?

"Sweetheart, I know you have settled in here and everything, but there has been a change in plans and I think this would actually be better for the both of us."

Confused, I just nodded my head still unsure where he was going with this.

"Okay well before I tell you I need you to try your best not to panic, this is going to be a big change but it will give us more time together and I think we would be so much happier okay?"

Now I was starting to get worried. This sounded serious, what the hell was he planning.

"Yeah, I understand, I won't freak out I promise." I lied knowing whatever it was I was probably not going to be able to stay calm.

"Ok well, we are moving to Spain!" He announced happily.

My whole body just froze as I processed this.

We are doing what now?

His obsessionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ