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We ate practically in silence, which I was grateful for because it meant I didn't have to worry about breaking down again in front of him. It was also nice to not hear him constantly going on about Spain because that was already giving me a headache. He was still looking at me from time to time while he was eating which I had to just ignore so I just focused on what was on the TV. It was just a random news channel which was quite boring but it was still better than listening to Lucifer.

When we both finished our food, Lucifer took our plates and disappeared with them so I assumed he was just putting them away. Just as I was about to fall asleep from exhaustion and boredom, the news suddenly changed and I saw my face on the screen. I quickly sat up as it then showed the cabin we had just left when Lucifer decided we were going to Spain.

They knew we were there?

It then all started to click into place in my head.

That's why we were going to Spain, the police knew where we were and he wanted to get away!

I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice Lucifer come back until he suddenly turned off the TV.

I slowly turned to look at him and saw he was just staring at the blank TV screen looking annoyed.

Oh no.

I didn't know what I was supposed  to do so I just stared at him waiting for him to say something. Eventually he snapped out of it and turned to me smiling.

"Sorry, you weren't supposed to see that yet."

For some reason, that comment awakened some anger in me I hadn't shown in a long time. Maybe it was just the shock of what I had just found out, but I was not about to sit there silently anymore.

"When was I supposed to see it then?" I asked, looking him dead in the eyes.

He slowly walked towards me and knelt down next to the bed.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry you found out like this, but I didn't want to stress you out with the knowledge that you could be taken away from me. Of course  you should know though, I would never let that happen."

I just stared at him in shock. I really didn't know what to say, so instead I just asked

"How did you even know they were going to come in the first place?"

He suddenly looked uncomfortable, which was a first, and quickly looked away.

"I have my sources." He stated, still not even looking at me which was really weird.

"What sources though?" I pushed. I didn't really expect a straight answer but it was worth a try.

Suddenly he turned back to me looking angry again.

"That is none of your business, the point is the police didn't find us and then never will." He snapped before walking away to his own bed on the other side of the room.

He began angrily doing the bed by patting down the quilt and pillows. I just sat on my own bed trying to sort through what I just found out.

So he knew the police were gonna find us, does this mean he has a friend in the force?

It then occurred to me it could even be more than one person. God knows how much of that police force was corrupt. It was comforting to know, though, that they had gotten close. I was so close to being found and taken home if not for Lucifer being one step ahead, as he always was. As frustrating as it was that I was almost saved, it did give me hope that if the police could get that close to finding me once, surely they could do it again. I just hoped that the next time they could get close enough to actually get me out.

I then yawned, realising how tired I was so I turned to look at Lucifer but quickly realised that he had fallen asleep on his bed and forgotten to give me the drug he usually does to make sure I don't wake up until the morning.

Could this be my chance?


I'm so sorry for the late update, I've been really busy lately doing my A levels because we are getting to the end of year exams and stuff and I really haven't had time to write. I also ran out of ideas at some point and needed a break but anyways I hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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His obsessionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora