Page 1: Play and Write

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Quietness resided in a small village next to a mountain. Children played and adults worked, housewives cooked and their babies slept. However in the mountains in the small cottage, you can hear the struggling sounds of Kie Kamado with her husband by her side, holding her hand as she went into labor with the village's doctor keeping watch of the baby.

Tanjuro Kamado held his wife's hands, overwhelming happiness crawled in his veins, excited to see their first child.
Kissing his wife's hand, he gently brushed the falling hair in her face to side and whispered sweet nothings in her ears as to way to comfort her. Suddenly all things stopped as he heard loud cries that didn't match a grown up.

"Its a girl!" The doctor said, wrapping the child in a cloth and cleaning her before giving her to her mother.

Kie carried the little girl, still sore from labor but still wanted to see her daughter. The baby was beautiful, though she was crying, she could still see that her baby had her nose and her father's eyes. She had her face shape and skin. She was so beautiful.

She hummed a lullaby to calm the crying girl. The baby instantly calmed down and fell asleep. Kie was in glee. She looked at her husband and found him staring at them quite lovingly.

"Do you want to hold her?"

Kie asked Tanjuro and Tanjuro nodded.

Kie passed the bundle to her husband, carefully not waking her up.

Tanjuro looked at the baby, his smile never leaving his face. He thought of the things he could teach her as time passed by.

The doctor silently caught their attention.

"What do you want to name her?"

Kie and Tanjuro looked at each other and smiled. Knowing what the other was thinking.

"{Name}....{Name} Kamado"

4 years later

Its been 4 years since {Name} was born. She was now four years old and was known to be the beauty of their village. She had beautiful skin, silk like hair and eyes that make her look like she came out of an author's storybook.

But despite that she never smiles, Kie and Tanjuro noticed this when she was 3, She cried but never express any emotions. But that still didn't stop them from loving the girl.

Her face complex brought many men with their sons. One man even wanted to buy her for 500,000 yen to marry his 12 year old son. However the Kamados declined saying that {Name} will grow up marrying someone who she will love.


She was always seen following her sickly father around holding his hand in the village, selling charcoal or wood. The village women would sometimes gush about how pretty she was. Only to find the small girl staring at them blankly.

Just like now....


A man who his father was selling wood to called the older man's name. Tanjuro looked at him with a gentle smile.


He replied.

"Your daughter is really pretty, though I can't help but notice that she never smiles even with you and she never mumbles a word. Does she have a condition?"

ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ {Kyojuro Rengoku x KAMADO Reader}Where stories live. Discover now