Page 8: The little boy by the streets

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"Hello! I'm Rengoku Kyojuro! You will be calling me master for now on!"

To say Kyojuro was excited was an understatement, he was more than excited. He was enthusiastic. Maybe its because the girl of his dreams is here right in front of him or maybe its the thought that the girl of his dreams is learning to become a demon slayer just like him!

"Umm..Hi I am Kamado {Name}, please to make your acquaintance. I hope that I can learn from you what I need to become a demon slayer."

{Name} bowed to him, in a respective way. Her face filled with seriousness, but Kyojuro paid no mind and bowed to her back.

"Tell me Kamado-san! You were a merchant correct? What made you become a demon slayer?"


{Name} already knew what to say, the reason wants to become a demon slayer was because to use the Hinokami Kagura at its full potential. However, she doubts that Rengoku knows what she is talking about. She is still not sure that if Hinokami Kagura and Sun breathing were the same.

"I..became a demon slayer because...It was my father's last wish before his death. He wanted me to use my learned power at its potential. I hope that my time here won't be a burden to you!"

{Name} again respectfully bowed.

"Ha! Ha! An ambitious one I see, you will make a fine member of the demon slayer corps! Let's start shall we?"

For the next few hours, {Name} was made to do sit ups, laps, push-ups and katana swinging while Mitsuri sparred with Kyojuro. They were then interrupted by Senjuro giving them snacks. They sat for a while and had a chit-chat.

"Did you know Master? {Name}-chan has a talented nose and a brick hard forehead! When we were in the train, she guessed my perfume and she was right! Also she knew what I ate when we met at the fountain!"

Rengoku was surprise at {Name]'s talents. She WOULD make an incredible slayer. She could smell demons and even trace missing people down.

"Wow! That's splendid! She would make an incredible slayer! Tell me more Mitsuri!"

And Mitsuri told her whole life while {Name} was listening, having a few conversations with Senjuro. She really didn't care, Mitsuri could tell her whole life if she can. Its just her quirky way of saying that she listened to her words.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Having 6 siblings must be tiring for you Kamado-san! I'm surprise that you chose this path! How did your mother react when you told her you will become one of us?"


{Name} trailed off and looked at Rengoku with a blank stare.

"She doesn't know, none of them do. And I would like to keep it that way.."

"Oh? Why so? Your family could see what you can become Kamado-san!"

Kyojuro said, slightly surprise that her mother doesn't know. He assumed that her father could have been a member.

"Its just....a demon slayer I can say is a dangerous job. Judging from the katana that we wield, we face more than criminals of a society. We face outlaws of human kind. If I were to bring my family into this job, they would be in danger. The last thing I want is some creature slaughters my family leaving me alone. The less they know the better. Besides....The people's safety is now a duty I must protect. If they were to know, then they would curious themselves any further and lead themselves into danger."

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