Page 15: A boring life

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It was now friday and both demon slayers were now fully relaxed and got ready to go home. They accidentally slept the whole day and {Name} with Kyojuro walked back towards the exit of town at night and journeyed towards Kyojuro's hometown.

It was already in middle of the night and they arrived. As expected, no one was awake. However, the kakushi with her horse Tsunami weren't anywhere.

"That's strange, they should be here by now."

She looked at Kyojuro who returned a confuse face.

"Indeed, however it is the middle of the night. Maybe they fell asleep, you should just stay here until morning comes."

{Name} nodded, no way was she gonna walk in foot.

Kyojuro opened the door, surprisingly he had an extra pair of keys incase a situation happens like this. They walked by the entrance and quietly walked towards his room.

They arrived at the bedroom and opened the shoji quietly. They soon then found an adorable sight. Senjuro was in Kyojuro's futon, cuddling with one of his uniforms.

"Aww...He must have missed you."

{Name} mumbled, taking in on how young Senjuro really was. Despite him being so young. It kinda awed {Name} on how attached he was to Kyojuro.

Kyojuro chuckled and got out an extra futon for {Name} to lay on. Right beside Senjuro.

{Name} thanked him and laid down quietly, eventually Senjuro felt the new mattress and ushered to the middle of the mattresses. They chuckled at how cute this little munchkin was.

Kyojuro laid down towards Senjuro's back, removing his uniform that Senjuro cuddled.

They both weren't tired but instead they kinda babied Senjuro, Kyojuro playing with his hair while {Name} poked his chubby cheeks slightly.

"Hey Kyojuro-san?"

"Yes Kamado-san?"

"Why don't you call me by my first name?"

Kyojuro looked at her, why did he never call her by her name. Maybe because he still sees her as a student? No way, She was pass a student and more a professional.

"Well, I guess I got used to it. You were my student after all."

"Oh I see.."

They then stayed quiet, still continuing on what they were doing. But Kyojuro asked a question.



"Can you by your first name?"

{Name} smiled slightly and chuckled.

"I thought you'd never ask. Of course you can. We are friends right?"




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