Page 14: Mission Accomplished

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A slug like creature came out of the ground they were standing on. It had 4 eyes in its top and mucus flowed down from it. It was at least 5'9, It wasn't that big to attract the passing by people. {Name} let go of the two boys and told them to follow her.

Rengoku and {Name} had a plan, If the demon were to appear, {Name} would help the victims escape while Kyojuro will try to distract the demon. If there was time, {Name} will join in.

The 3 ran towards the exit, both of the boys huffing while {Name} was behind them.

"W-what was that?!"

Haku asked while still running. Sora nodding, asking the same question.

"Its a demon, There are many around japan."

{Name} said as they reached towards the exit. They eventually reached the entrance on the woods and {Name} asked id they were injured.

"Not really, But I am starving..."

Sora said and got out his bag and picked out some snacks. He also grabbed some bandages and gave it to {Name}.

"Here Ms. For you and your partner. Please be careful.."

Sora said while looking at {Name} thankful.

{Name} nodded and warned them.

"Please be careful on your way, don't tell anyone what you saw today or you saw me. There's another exit of town towards there. Go there and you'll be greeted by another town."

She pointed at the way they came from when they passed the village.

Sora and Haku nodded, bowing to her and they went towards where she pointed. She ran towards the pathway but was block by more slimes. She cut through them however there were still many. She was gonna take a while


The 3 ran towards the exit while Kyojuro tried to find the monster's weakness.

'Its usually its head or neck, but I don't see one if he has one..'

Before he could think of a plan, the giant slug threw some mucus towards him. He quickly sliced through it and running away from his previous position.

He ran around the demon, trying to find the weak point.

'I need to stall it, Kamado-san might be able to smell the weak point. Let's see if this blinds it.'

"Hi no ibuki: Dai 2 no keitai: Shakunetsu no taiyō no jōshō"
(Breathe of Fire: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun)

A flame arch released upwards hit the eyes, blinding the slug demon.


The slime released mucus mud shots everywhere, It hit Kyojuro's forehead, It caused a bruise.

'The mucus attack isn't that strong.'

He thought and tried to go in for another attack. But the slug already recovered, covering Its eyes that was burnt with more mucus. It hit Kyojuro by the knee, this time the shot was harder.

ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ {Kyojuro Rengoku x KAMADO Reader}Where stories live. Discover now