Page 19: A dreary silence

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Rain began to splatter against the hut of moss. The smell of dying little house creatures came to the noses. The grass around the hut was greener, the trees wrestled with the winds, and the mist up above clouded the sun. The cold air reached within its creaky floors and into the feet of the two teens.

{Name} shivered and rubbed her scar on her forehead. She hugged her blanket tighter and nudged toward the fire of the abandoned furnace of the hut.

Her companion, the flame breather Kyojuro, was behind her. He rested his back against the cold glass window and looked at {Name}'s shivering figure.

"You know, despite being in the mountains, I never liked the rain."

She said as she watched the flames dance.

Kyojuro only stayed silent while keeping guard of her.

{Name}, however, wasn't please with his silence. She sighed in annoyance and looked towards her partner in missions.

"Kyojuro, you can relax you know... You've been silent since we arrived."

"I'm sorry... Its just that I'm nervous."

Kyojuro said and walked towards the girl.

"What if they've done something to father? What if they hurt him? Both him and Senjuro? I couldn't live with that!"

Kyojuro exclaimed. {Name} huffed and looked at Kyojuro.

"There you go again, jumping into conclusions... Look, I doubt that the clan would harm them, especially since they have no reason to. They're after me and considering they left a letter to my household, I'm guessing that they want me to surrender than they taking me by force."

"But they came to our household so sudden! There is no way that they would know the Rengoku household was associated with you! Its not like Oyakata-sama informed all of us!"

"And the hashiras go by the word of him. If they ever were to release information then they would go against him.."

{Name} continued Kyojuro's thought.
It was kinda suspicious that the clan knew who she was associated with. Her family didn't know off her job and who she works with. Some hashiras were excluded to the information that she worked with Kyojuro. The only ones she recalled being seen with him are Shinobu and Gyoumei... Could they have released the info?

"Kocho-san and Gyoumei-san were the only ones who know your partnership with me. Along with that..."

{Name} trailed off, thinking of other people who could be exposed to her companion.
She then remembered the servant man that she made friends with.

"The kakushi... mainly Itadori who brought me to the butterfly mansion and the headquarters..."

"Wait...You knew a kakushi's name?"

Kyojuro widened his eyes in surprise.

"Y-yeah... He told me to call him Itadori."


Kyojuro frowned and stayed silent on what he learned. He wasn't someone who got mad if rules about roles were broken, but this was suspicious.

ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ {Kyojuro Rengoku x KAMADO Reader}Where stories live. Discover now