Chapter 35

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The Palace

Along the road was full of their Duke Chen and Xu Jia Wen's marriage messages. Han's people were playing firecrackers to celebrate it.

Drum can be heard as the bride and groom had arrived. The wedding were literally grand and huge. All the minister attend on time.

Starting from the huge door, red theme was everywhere. Their wedding hall was even extravagant.

"So beautiful." Xu Ling Ai exclaimed once she get into the palace. It was the real wedding banquet she saw on television.

All the guard stands on guard and all the guests showing their invitation card before getting inside the palace.

It was so merry that she could hear everyone talking to each other, laughing and teasing each other about getting married.

She could also see some familiar face which is Mo Li Huai who she first met once she step inside the capital.

She gaze around until her gaze fell onto a lady. It was her. The girl who nagged at her for punching a man. Mu Xuan Er, the royal physician's daughter.

Xu Ling Ai quickly turn to look upfront to avoid everyone's gaze. Don't want them to bring the old matters.

At first, all of them did not even bother about her. But once the guard announced Li Zhao's arrival, they started to look at their direction.

They look at his face, the same old stone face with icy eyes covered by a half masks. Not surprising yet still fearing him.

"Who is she?" Whispers can be heard.

They are curious about the girl standing beside Duke Su's sides. The man would gave Xu Ling Ai a flirty smile while girls glaring at her for walking with a prince.

Li Zhao rarely attend any banquet or celebrate any happy occasion so they've never seen him enjoying this kind of thing.

The fact that he is too quiet and cold made everyone be wary whenever they are around him. They never regard Li Zhao as friend who are around their age.

To them, Li Zhao was nothing but a cannon fodder to take care of the country using his ability.

Today Li Zhao attended because it was his imperial father's order and he couldn't refuse it because it was his half brother's wedding. A royal family must show to the world that they are in peace even though it was a lie.

"They are jealous of me." Xu Ling Ai whisper at Li Zhao. He was too tall so she basically whisper barely to his shoulder.

She just wanted to lift up his mood a bit. Living with him for months teach him a lot about Li Zhao. One of the things he hate the most is surrounded by people.

Li Zhao look at her questioning her words. Why would the people be jealous of her?

"Because I'm walking with you. A prince." She added. Again he only look at her then cast his eyes on the front again.

Xu Ling Ai could feel Li Zhao do not like this kind of attention. She only attend the wedding for food obviously.

"Duke Su ignore her. She deserves it." A lady suddenly said evilly.

It was He Xi Er. The second most beautiful in the country after Xu Jia Wen. She is Minister He's one and only daughter.

She had been chasing Li Zhao since they are a teenager but he never cast an eye on her. When she heard him getting married, it was shocking.

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