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*Take note : This is not a fanfiction and this is not about an idol and a fan.*

21st century

A girl looking at a picture of her most beloved man glued on her car dashboard. Her head bobbing up and down listening to his song while driving.

The car was full of Xiao Zhan's merchandise. A framed picture of him on the right side of the front mirror, his printed face cushion, seats cover with his face printed on it.

From that view, we could guess that she is a fangirl. A major one. She is on her way back after attending her favourite idol concert event.

Looking around the surrounding, her way back to her house were a bit secluded. It was not in the forest but people rarely use the road. A feeling of dread was in the air. Try to pay no heed, she speed up the car.

"What is this eerie feeling?" The girl have never stay outside until late at night.

Absentmindedly taking note, next time she would ask someone to accompany her.

She drives past the small bridge so fast that she didn't notice a silhouette of a wild deer crossing across the road.

It happened so fast that she don't have time to think and her hands just reflexes on its own. Her hands turn the car steering 180 degrees to avoid hitting the animal.

The car crash the bridge side so hard that it bend and break into half. However, the car did not crossed over the river instead it stuck at the end of the tip. It gave away a huge impact that the girl's head crash onto the steering.

She could feel bruise will appear on her body. Blood streaming down from her forehead.

But that wasn't what she was worry about. Looking in front, she clear her blur vision and saw the last thing she wanted to see.

The picture was terrifying. Her heart dropped when she realised herself and the car position.

One small mistake her and her car will fell straight into the river. Her hand clutched onto the steering until it turn pale.

Basically, the river was down there and behind her is the road. Terror-struck when she look at the river down there.

It was all about balance. If someone who is strong enough to pull the car from behind, she might be able to live.

She couldn't move at all. One move, she fell. Her feet stay on the break to stop the car from moving forward.

Wanting to call out for help but her lips had turned blue and shaking. She look at her car rear-view mirror, no car or human can be seen.

"Dad.." One word she could utter out was calling her dad. Her eyes welled up with tears.

She is not someone who loves to cry. Today she did not shed tears because she is afraid of death.

But she is worried that her dad is gonna be alone. Her dad is not only a father but a mother, and a friend towards her. He had raised her alone after her mother passed away.

"Ahhh!!!" She screamed so loud that her voice cracked. The car suddenly moves to the front. The rock couldn't held it any longer.

All of a sudden, her phone on the dash board started ringing. "My Great Master" was stated on the phone.

Gaining the last courage she had, she snatched her phone on the dash board and take the call.

"D-dad! Please forgive me for being the most unfilial daughter. And thank you for raising me into a very pretty girl." She stutter and laugh a bit while saying it.

"Young lady! Stop talking nonsense and get home right now!" Her dad nagged knowing that her daugther is out there alone.

"Dad please find a better woman and get marry as soon as possible. Don't be alone." Her hand shakes so bad while holding the phone to her ears. She wanted to focus on her dad's voice only.

"What are you talking about? I will tear all your Xiao Zhan's poster if you didn't get home now young lady." Her dad warn her.

He knew something is wrong but he try to think positively. The way her voice shaking, he knew thing wasn't good.

"Dad.. You know right? I love you so much. Even in the next life, I will still be your daughter." She clenched her teeth to stop herself from sobbing.

"Where you at? I will get you now!" Her dad panicking.

"Dad. Beep beep beep..." She was about to talk to her dad more but the call was suddenly cut off. She look at her phone and there was no line.

"God why are you doing this to me? Why?!!" She bawl with her head lean on the steering. Mad is an understatement.

"Xiao Zhan I am sorry I couldn't meet you again. Even in the afterlife I will always support you." She held the picture with her bloody hand.

"I still haven't attend Lee Min Ho's fan meeting, I want to fall in love too and I STILL GOT MY LONG FUCKING ASS BUCKETLIST TO ACHIEVE! FUCK YOU FOR SCREWING MY LIFE!" A sudden of thunder strike the sky surprised her.

She had never curse before because of her dad being conservative. But now she feel so satisfied swearing in the middle of dying.

Suddenly the look in her eyes change. She is not weak. And she is not afraid of death. She wiped off the tears that stay inside her eyes. Determination were visible in her eyes.

"My friend did not call me as "The Craziest" for nothing. Just watch me!" She remarks with anger towards the sky. Without any hesitation, she lift her feet out of the break.

The car tilted slowly from the bridge and fell of the bridge then straightly plunged into the river. The weight of the car force it sunk deeper. Deep down. She could see all the undersea views.

She pull off the seatbelt. Even though she don't know how to swim but she won't give up.

Trying to open the door but it won't budge. She grab a hardware and hit the window until it broke. Water starting to flow in a rapid pace.

Trying to swim out of the car slowly with water enter her lung make it very difficult. Totally useless. It was beyond her ability. Her injuries didn't make it easier.

Soon black dots started to take over. She knew that she is going to die. No one is going to save her. Her dad won't be able to find her.

"Fudge! Why is my fate like this!" She tried to open her mouth. As a result, water rush into her. Block her oxygen. She struggles to stay conscious.

"Kill me if you have never love me even for once." A voice suddenly rang clearly through her ear. It was a soothing husky voice. It belongs to an unknown man.

'Yup I really need to kill someone right now. This is the sign I'm dying. I'm hearing some freaking nonsense.' She thought angrily.

But as far as she remember, she has never date anyone because she came from a very conservative family.

'Even in my last breath you still play with me. Just you wait until I meet you later.' Her paralysed body sunk deep in the river.

Any Xiao Zhan's fans here?

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Thanks! 💖 - R

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