Chapter 46

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Xu Ling Ai look at the zither that lies flat on the table nervously. She hope the skills of real Xu Ling Ai is still there.

Putting her rosy slender fingers on top of the zither, she started by plucking one of the strings to test it. Piercing screech sounded through the hall making them cover their ears.

He Xi Er was about to embarrass her but a soothing melody replaced the screech. All of them began to uncover their ears.

They look at her figure in astonished. The melody she played sounded very sweet and unfathomable.

Awestruck admiration showed on their face. She is not only a beauty but also very talented. Xu Ling Ai pretend to close her eyes to show that she is appreciating the music.

While everyone also close their eyes, she open her right eyes scanning through everyone except He Xi Er.

Xu Ling Ai stuck her tongue out at He Xi Er's direction and it anger He Xi Er. Her lips form a smirk. Nearing the end, she close back her single eyes.

"I'm sorry if I'm not able to satisfy Your Majesty." Xu Ling Ai curtsy a bit before heading to her seat and smile at Li Zhao who has been looking at her.

"Xu Ling Ai you are really talented. I admire you." Li Zhi Ming suddenly said to her. Not calling her sister in law.

It gained a glare from Li Zhao and Li Jun Yi. Since when did they get close?

"Thank you Your Highness. I learned it from you. He Xi Er is better." Even though she has met Li Zhi Ming often, it still couldn't lessen her being mesmerised by him.

"See. I told you right I'm the most awesome one. Now everyone had witness it. I'm afraid I will become more popular than you." Xu Ling Ai winked at Li Zhao.

Xu Ling Ai now knew that everyone in the palace can't be trusted. Just like in the drama. All of them taking turn to give their present to the Empress.

The most expensive gift will get the chance to gain a lot of benefits. But she has no mood to please her.

"Your Highness, I will take some air around here. Once you are done, just call me." Xu Ling Ai said wanting to look around the palace. She has yet to enjoy the palace views.

"Be careful." Li Zhao remind her. He still need to meet his royal father first.

In the Palace Courtyard

After making sure there is no one in the court yard. She quickly sat beside the pond, she look down at the fish swimming around.

Xu Ling Ai felt so bored. She thought they would start eating right away. But the customs is too much.

They still need to watch some boring performances of flirty ladies. She rather sleep at home. She sighed heavily.

"Seems like Princess Consort don't really enjoy a banquet." A voice startle her that her head turned fast.

Turning around, she saw the First Prince, Duke Chen, Li Jun Yi. She feel really uncomfortable around him. Xu Ling Ai can detect the unpleasant vibe from him.

Li Zhi Ming is way better and kind. Li Jun Yi is just like her birth mother. Like mother like son.

"Your Highness, Duke Chen. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be inside?" She avoided his question. Xu Ling Ai did not even bother to curtsy.

"Ahh.. This lord just want to talk to you." He said walking closer to her.

Xu Ling Ai hastily look around to look for some people. Unfortunately, there's no one. So she decided to give him a lesson if he was to act inappropriately with her.

"Oh really.. But I am in no mood to talk to someone." Xu Ling Ai said without any politeness.

"I know you're not graceful like what you show to the audience. You're just a wasted lady from countryside." He said that earned an eye roll from Xu Ling Ai.

"So? It is not your business." Xu Ling Ai snickered. She feel so annoyed listening to him blabbering.

"Don't be too arrogant Xu Ling Ai. You're just a consort to Li Zhao who don't have any chance to become emperor." Li Jun Yi smirked evilly. This lady in front of him have a tongue that is so poisonous.

"Oh shut up! I don't need my husband to become an emperor for me to have bravery. I can eventually slap you now if I wanted to." She provoked him. Her expression was challenging him.

Li Jun Yi clenched his fist. He now no longer want to destroy Li Zhao. But he just want to destroy Xu Ling Ai. She had hurt his ego as a prince. He wanted to rip apart this snobby and haughty lady.

The way she look at him with no respect anger him while folding her arms. Li Jun Yi wanted nothing but to wipe off that smirk on her lips.

Xu Ling Ai can feel danger. But she did not show any sign of being fear. It will only give the sign to your enemy that you're weak. Walking backwards, she suddenly crash into someone. She instantly knew who it was.

"Your Highness I was about to find you." Xu Ling Ai staggered but Li Zhao hold her firmly. He saw what happened.

"Li Jun Yi what are you doing here with my Princess Consort?" Pulling her behind him, Li Zhao look at Li Jun Yi with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I coincidentally pass by so I greet your Princess Consort. I will leave first." Before Li Jun Yi left, he stare at Xu Ling Ai with motives. He is giving her a warning.

Li Jun Yi couldn't afford to provoke Li Zhao now. Li Jun Yi is still a normal prince not a crown prince.

"Is there something wrong?" Li Zhao look at her up and down. Try to to find if there is any injury.

"I'm fine. Did you see his face? He is afraid of me." Xu Ling Ai jokingly said but she still couldn't forget that look on Li Jun Yi's eyes. She needed to be extra careful.

"Let's go home." Li Zhao held out his hand on the air. And Xu Ling Ai gladly put her small hand on his.

I wanted to thank all of you for the support and everything!

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