Chapter 50

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"Princess Consort we need to be quick! His Highness might not be able to control himself." Wu Xi remind Xu Ling Ai.

Xu Ling Ai nodded and she ran like her life depended on it. Wu Xi also catch her up.

Finally arrived in the hall where Li Zhao was at, she look at the room in bewilderment.

On the floor was Li Jun Yi who is chuckling trying to provoke the furious Li Zhao. That scene was literally vivid.

Li Zhao did not even bother to listen to the emperor who is screaming at him to stop.

"We're brothers. So why can't we share? Women is just a tool for men. The same goes to Xu Ling Ai." Li Jun Yi is just adding up oil in the fire. He is trying to make Li Zhao lose control.

"Princess Consort stay here. I will try to do something." Wu Xi instructed knowing that they probably couldn't stop Li Zhao anymore.

Tension filled up the room, and Li Zhao's form is changing. He is getting stronger than ever.

"Listen I will try to stop him. He might listen to me." She try to reason out at Wu Xi.

"But.." Wu Xi hesitantly trailed off his words. He is somehow agree with her because Li Zhao might listen to her.

Xu Ling Ai whirl around to see Li Jun Yi being thrown into a wall, Li Zhao's raging form stalking up to him. If no one stop him, Li Jun Yi will die.

''Li Zhao stop!'' Xu Ling Ai left Wu Xi and yell at Li Zhao, running to his direction.

Li Zhao couldn't hear anything, he had lost his rational. Instead he picks Li Jun Yi up and slams him against the wall again.

Taking him by the neck, Li Zhao choke Li Jun Yi until his face turn pale. No one can stop him. Li Jun Yi try to breath but failed.

On the other hand, Xu Ling Ai without thinking she run over and squeeze herself between the two men and it happens too fast for anyone to comprehend.

Li Zhao was so enraged that he thought she is just another guard who is trying to stop him. He use his other free hand and throws Xu Ling Ai into a nearby pillar in the hall.

Xu Ling Ai cry out of unbearable pain when her back crash into the pillar. Putting aside the pain, she try to held it in. Clutching her body, she get up to see Li Zhao is on his knees and staring at her in shock.

"Xu Ling Ai!" She heard someone calling her name and it was Li Zhi Ming.

Li Zhi Ming is just passing the court hall but then he rush in to see what the commotion is about. He was too surprised when he saw Xu Ling Ai flew across the hall by a great force.

However, Xu Ling Ai's eyes were only on one person. She look at Li Zhao whose eyes has switch back from the bloody red to a lifeless black.

He seems to be out of breath. Li Zhao's face drains of color and his mouth opens as if to speak but nothing came out.

Xu Ling Ai stand slowly, and started to walk to him. She try to hide her wince when her back pricks her whole body with pain.

"I'm okay." She try to convince him that everything is fine.

''I hurt you.." He stutter in horror not wanting to believe what he had done.

"Y-you'll always be a monster Li Zhao." Li Jun Yi muttered slowly, catching up his breath. He wanted Li Zhao to think that he can never have humanity.

"Shut up!" Xu Ling Ai shout at Li Jun Yi. She knew he is trying to play with Li Zhao's mind.

Li Zhao look back and forth between Xu Ling Ai's body and the dent on the tall pillar. He look down at his left hand which he use to hit her.

Xu Ling Ai lean down and cup his cold face with her hands. She look straight into his eyes trying to calm him. ''Listen to me! It was unintentionally, you didn't mean it. Look at me. I'm alright, everything's fine.''

"I hit you and it will never be fine!" Li Zhao press his words while shaking his head.

Xu Ling Ai desperately try to coax him. She feel scared at the way he is looking at her. His eyes filled with guilt and remorse.

"Wu Xi take care of her." Li Zhao muttered flatly.

Li Zhao let go of her hand on his face gently, and rushed out of the hall. His back hunched showing that he is greatly disappointed of himself.

Sighing, she turn back only to come face to face with a crowd of men. Li Zhi Ming and Wu Xi walk to her concern in their eyes.

Li Zhi Ming just stood there in silence. That scene earlier shows how much Xu Ling Ai and his second brother are in love with each other.

The way she try to sooth his second brother made him realize that he got no chance in pursuing Xu Ling Ai. So Li Zhi Ming had made a decision. He will take a step back from their relationship.

''Princess Consort -''

"I'm fine." Xu Ling Ai cut him off. She then facing the emperor.

Emperor Wu still couldn't believe what he just witnessed. He had never seen his own son in such a despair state.

He look at Xu Ling Ai who wince trying to bow at him. Emperor Wu has to admit that Xu Ling Ai has wrapped his son around her finger.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for the trouble that I caused. But please don't blame Li Zhao." She said.

"Eunuch call a physician for Xu Ling Ai." Emperor Wu ignore her request.

"Thank you for your kindness Your Majesty. I will just head back to Duke Su manor." Xu Ling Ai respond tiredly. She refuse to visit a physician as she is worried about Li Zhao.

Emperor Wu can only allow her to go back. He then instructed the guards to bring a physician to treat Li Jun Yi. He has decided to punish Li Jun Yi when he recovered.

"Wu Xi let's go." Xu Ling Ai walk out of the palace slowly with Wu Xi by her side.

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