Chapter 58

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The Palace

A father and his son is having a heart to heart talk. With no argument between them. Li Zhi Ming sat in front of his imperial father.

"Are you sure you're letting go of the chance on getting up the throne?" The emperor asked again.

Emperor Wu couldn't believe his son Li Zhi Ming has expressed his wishes to go out to see the world.

"You know that I have no interest in the politics. And I do not wish to fight with my brothers for a seat." Li Zhi Ming look at his imperial father who is getting old but still regal.

Even though his imperial father had never become a good father for him but he admire his father for becoming a great ruler for the country.

It is a hard decision for him. After a long thought, he chose to live for himself for once.

"Promise me you will come back when you are tired surrounding the world." The old emperor make a small request.

He knew that he couldn't hope for Li Zhao to take the throne. He had search for a physician to cure his son but he is incurable. Knowing that Li Zhao couldn't live any longer, the emperor is worried about his son and his country.

Emperor Wu wanted nothing but a responsible emperor for the country. And he saw that character in Li Zhi Ming. However, the emperor also know that Li Zhi Ming don't have interest in politics.

Li Zhi Ming nodded hesitantly. He was about to leave when his father remind him something.

"Don't forget to visit your second brother before you leave. You might not be able to see him again." Li Zhi Ming couldn't believe that he saw a glint of tears in his imperial father's eyes.

Ever since the princes is a child, all of them thought that their father is so cold and strong. This is the first time Li Zhi Ming saw his father being emotional.

"I will." He replied shortly and went away not wanting to becoming more emotional.

While on his way out of the emperor's palace, he saw Duke Chen's Princess Consort Xu Jia Wen with her maid.

He is not someone who is nosy but he just couldn't help but ask when he saw them heading to somewhere in a hurry.

He walked towards the guards and asked him. "Where is Xu Jia Wen heading to?"

"Duke Su's Princess Consort has just arrived the palace. And she seek for the empress's presence. So Miss Xu Jia Wen is also heading there." Hearing Xu Ling Ai's arrival shocked Li Zhi Ming. This is definitely not a good news. He also head to meet Xu Ling Ai.

The Empress's Palace

The Empress sat on her throne with no remorse for what she had done to Li Zhao.

"You don't look so well. You must be getting tired of taking care of that sickly boy." Empress Yi mocked Xu Ling Ai as soon as she saw her.

Xu Ling Ai did not even bother to greet and go straight to the point.

"I won't waste any time. I just wanted to ask you. Do you have the antidote?" Xu Ling Ai was dead serious. She got nothing to be scared of.

A mocking laughter boomed through the palace. The Empress laugh like crazy until a tears came out of her eyes.

"Even if I had it, I won't give it to you." The empress said.

"I will give up my own life for that antidote." Xu Ling Ai's vows surprise empress yi.

"Really? That is a very interesting offer." Empress Yi get up from her seats and head to Xu Ling Ai.

Looking at the previous young lady who is very arrogant and prideful is currently begging her feels very great.

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